【多选题】 按照市场营销策划的内容及应用范围,可以将市场营销策划书分为()
①  营销策划书
②  营销诊断书
③  营销执行书
④  营销推广书
【判断题】 市场营销比营销策划重要。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 市场营销策划的目的是:( )
①  在于充分掌握市场信息
②  有效利用和合理配置资源
③  制定切实可行的执行方案
④  策划主体必须具备较高的综合素质
【单选题】 市场营销策划的手段是( )。
①  充分掌握市场信息
②  制定切实行的执行方案
③  资源的有效利用和合理配置
④  规避市场风险
【多选题】 市场营销策划的功能是:( )
①  收集充分的市场信息
②  指导实战
③  规避风险
④  整合资源
【判断题】 企业的所有市场营销策划活动都应该由市场营销策划组织机构来完成。()
【多选题】 市场营销策划的功能包括()
①  整合资源
②  指导实战
③  实现目的
④  规避风险
【多选题】 市场营销策划的特性包括()
①  创新性
②  可行性
③  权变性
④  风险性
【多选题】 市场营销策划的特性包括:( )
①  创新性
②  可行性
③  权变性
④  复杂性
【多选题】 市场营销策划经费预算主要包括()
①  市场调研费
②  信息收集费
③  人力投入费
④  策划报酬
【单选题】 He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation it got worse.
①  until
②  when
③  before
④  as
【单选题】 Please help yourself to the fish.
①  Thanks, but fish doesn’t agree with me
②  Sorry, I can’t help
③  I don’t like fish
④  No, I can’t
【单选题】 The reason _________ I am writing this letter is to tell you about the meeting on Saturday.
①  because
②  why
③  for
④  as
【单选题】 Is that Mr Robert Lee?
①  Yes, Lee speaking
②  Hello, what do you want
③  Sorry, speaking
④  I don’t know
【单选题】 Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines?
①  Yes, can I help you?
②  Yes, what do you want?
③  Yes, you’re right
④  Yes, right number
【单选题】 May I see the menu, please?
①  That is the menu, sir
②  Yes, please go on
③  Here you are, sir
④  Of course, sir
【单选题】 __________ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master’s degree.
①  To become
②  Become
③  One becomes
④  On becoming
【单选题】 May I see your tickets and passports, please?
①  No, you can’t
②  Yes, you can
③  here they are
④  No, they are mine
【单选题】 At midnight, he received a telephone call and was asked to meet at once.
①  mystery
②  mysterious
③  mystical
④  mythical
【单选题】 Not only the teacher but also the students _______ smiling.
①  is
②  are
③  was
④  be