Who was the old man? And what was he doing when they saw him?
【判断题】 When I saw him, he was cleaninging his room.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 That man alone over there – who is he?
①  He is a student
②  He is Doctor Took
③  A driver, I suppose
④  He’s drunk
【单选题】 What [填空] he doing last Sunday?
①  is
②  was
③  are
④  were
【单选题】 The old man sat in a chair, ____________ a quick and sharp look at him.
①  take
②  took
③  taking
④  taken
【单选题】 When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ____ one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.
①  see that
②  except that
③  provided that
④  except for
【单选题】 The doctor gave the old man a _____ examination and congratulated him on his speedy recovery.
①  cautious
②  cautiously
③  careful
④  carefully
【单选题】 The old man is upset in fact today, but he looks as if he______ as happy as before.
①  will be
②  were
③  had been
④  is
【单选题】 The old lady was _______ to the young man who helped her find her lost generation.
①  touched
②  cheerful
③  gratefu
④  generous
【单选题】 He is a man who always makes his promises [] who never keeps them.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 It was the training that he had as a young man ____made him such a good engineer.
①  that
②  has
③  what
④  later
【单选题】 时代精神的核心是指()。
①  改革创新
②  继承传统
③  稳中求进
④  共同发展
【单选题】 ()强调党委领导、政府主导、多元参与、居民自治、良性互动。
①  社会统治
②  社会管理
③  社会治理
④  社会管制
【单选题】 《开罗宣言》的性质是()。
①  只是一个宣言
②  双边条约
③  没有签字的合同
④  可实现的法律条文
【单选题】 改革开放以来,我国建立了社会主义基本经济制度,()形成了社会注意市场体系和宏观调控体系。
①  初步?
②  完全
③  基本
④  以上选项都不正确
【单选题】 坚持司法体制改革,()才能打破涉法涉诉案件信访的恶性循环。
①  增强司法公正性
②  提高司法的权威性
③  增强司法独立性
④  健全司法运行体制
【单选题】 ()要求行政机关对其所实施的社会管理行为负责。
①  合法行政
②  程序正当
③  权责统一
④  诚实守信
【单选题】 司法机关行使司法权的基本要求是()。
①  依法
②  独立
③  公正
④  公平
【判断题】 中国革命的道路从井冈山道路、延安道路到中国特色社会主义道路,这是一脉相承的。
【判断题】 延安整风就是反对主观主义、官僚资本主义、党八股以树立马克思主义作风。
【判断题】 构建新型国际关系和人类命运共同体,就要高举创新、发展、协作的旗帜。