【多选题】 皖菜的代表菜肴有( )。
①  红烧果子狸
②  无为熏鸡
③  火腿炖甲鱼
④  毛峰熏鲥鱼
【单选题】 下列不属于浙菜的是( )。
①  醉糟鸡
②  蜜汁火方
③  冰糖甲鱼
④  黄鱼羹
【单选题】 分整形鱼菜时,服务员展示菜肴后将鱼转至分菜处使鱼头朝( )尾朝( )当着宾客面进行拆分。
①  右、左
②  左、右
③  上、下
④  前、后
【单选题】 下列哪一菜肴是官府菜中的孔府菜( )
①  诗礼银杏
②  回锅肉
③  清蒸石斑鱼
④  铁板毛豆腐
【单选题】 下列哪一菜肴是官府菜中的孔府菜( )
①  诗礼银杏
②  回锅肉
③  清蒸石斑鱼
④  铁板毛豆腐
【多选题】 浙菜以( )三种地方风味组成。
①  杭州
②  宁波
③  温州
④  绍兴
【单选题】 松鼠鳜鱼是( )菜的代表菜。
①  鲁菜
②  粤菜
③  苏菜
④  川菜
【单选题】 “佛跳墙”是我国( )的代表菜
①  浙菜
②  徽菜
③  闽菜
④  粤菜
【多选题】 川菜的代表菜是( )。
①  水煮鱼
②  麻婆豆腐
③  佛跳墙
④  毛血旺
【单选题】 鲁菜的代表菜是什么()
①  大煮干丝
②  宫保鸡丁
③  西湖醋鱼
④  九转大肠
【单选题】 The plotaround early American settlers and the Indians and a conflict between good and evil.
①  revolves
②  involves
③  evolve
④  dissolves
【单选题】 The company has consistentlythe products it offers and is likely to continue to move into new services and countries.
①  diversified
②  exemplified
③  identified
④  simplified
【单选题】 Some creatures are masters of disguise; they can easilytheir environment.
①  weaveinto
②  blend into
③  break into
④  step into
【单选题】 Fulfilling one’s true potential requires setting appropriate goals and exerting theto accomplish them.
①  self-criticism
②  self-doubt
③  self-discipline
④  self-employment
【单选题】 The comedian left behind an impressive andbody of work, making himself a cultural icon.
①  timeless
②  tasteless
③  tireless
④  thoughtless
【单选题】 Scientists are hoping for ain the search for a cure for cancer.
①  breakthrough
②  breakdown
③  breakup
④  breakout
【单选题】 Ia toast to the friendship between the peoples of the two countries.
①  compose
②  impose
③  propose
④  oppose
【单选题】 When we returned, the party wasand the dance floor was crowded.
①  in full swing
②  in full view
③  in full cry
④  in full bloom
【单选题】 Mr. Kent is one of those happy people whopleasure from helping others.
①  deceive
②  deprive
③  devise
④  derive
【单选题】 The Analectscontains passages thatand arouse readers’ minds.
①  inspire
②  expire
③  aspire
④  conspire