根据媒介产品在产品价值链中所处的位置,可分为( )、( )和( )。
【单选题】 产品整体概念包含核心产品、______和附加产品等三个层次。
①  内在品质
②  无形产品
③  有形产品
④  产品名称
【单选题】 ______是指顾客购买核心产品和有形产品时所获得的附加服务和利益。
①  核心产品
②  有形产品
③  附加产品
④  示范产品
【多选题】 相关媒介产品分为( )和( )。
①  替代性产品
②  互补性产品
③  交互性产品
④  替补性产品
【判断题】 在产品有广义在产品和狭义在产品之分。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 根据媒介内容的特性,媒介产品可以分为( )。
①  新闻产品
②  观点产品
③  知识产品
④  娱乐产品
【简答题】 产品整体由里向外,包括核心产品、形式产品、[填空]、[填空]和潜在产品五个层次。
【判断题】 根据月初在产品费用、本月生产费用和月末在产品费用的资料,完工产品费用=月初在产品费用+本月生产费用—月末在产品费用
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 按完工产品和月末在产品数量比例,分配计算完工产品和月末在产品成本,必须具备下列条件( )。
①  在产品已接近完工
②  原材料在生产开始时一次投料
③  在产品原材料费用比重较大
④  各项消耗定额比较准确、稳定
【单选题】 按完工产品和月末在产品数量比例,分配计算完工产品和月末在产品成本,必须具备下列条件
①  在产品已接近完工
②  原材料在生产开始时一次投料
③  在产品原材料费用比重较大
④  各项消耗定额比较准确、稳定
【单选题】 如果某产品月末在产品数量较小,或者在产品数量较大,但各月末在产品数量变化不大,其生产费用在完工产品和月末在产品之间进行分配所应采用的方法是( )。
①  在产品按所耗原材料费用计价法
②  在产品不计算成本法
③  在产品按完工产品计算法
④  在产品按固定成本计价法
【单选题】 I received his mother’ s telephone call at eleven. _____ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.
①  Then did I know
②  Only then I knew
③  Only then did I know
④  Only then knew I
【单选题】 The trade unions in this industry are ____ any reduction in wages.
①  objecting against
②  opposed to
③  reacted to
④  resisting against
【单选题】 Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an hour ____ originate over tropical ocean waters.
①  which
②  who
③  where
④  how to
【单选题】 John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____ last night.
①  must study
②  should have studied
③  must have studied
④  is sure to study
【单选题】 This is the hotel _______last month.
①  which they stayed
②  at that they stayed
③  where they stayed at
④  where they stayed
【单选题】 He doesn’ t spend much time____ his homework.
①  in
②  do
③  on
④  to do
【单选题】 People’s status in society is frequently ____ by how much they own.
①  measured
②  examined
③  tested
④  questioned
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 It’s no good ____ him. He is always indifferent towards others’ matters.
①  to turn to
②  turning to
③  turn to
④  turned to
【单选题】 The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走)quietly to the bird. _____ into the forest when he was about to catch it.
①  Flew it away
②  Away flew it
③  Away it flew
④  Flew away it