【判断题】 宣传是一定社会组织有目的的传播事实和观点以引导和改变社会公众的思想、信念、态度和行为的社会传播活动。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 <p>()公共关系的基本构成要素包括:社会组织、社会公众和</p>
①  个人
②  社会
③  媒体
④  传播
【简答题】 宣传是运用各种有意义的[填空1]传播一定的观念,以影响人们的思想、引导人们行动的一种社会行为。
【判断题】 突发事件信息发布是政府通过一定的新闻媒体向社会公众传播信息的行为
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )是一个社会组织用传播手段使自己与公众之间形成双向交流,使双方达到相互理解和相互适应的管理活动。
①  社会组织
②  公共关系
③  传播手段
④  社会公众
【单选题】 可以通过宣传、诉讼和联合抵制等手段制约企业营销活动的社会公众是( )。
①  金融公众
②  媒介公众
③  政府公众
④  社团公众
【判断题】 宣传是一种社会传播活动。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 公共关系是一个社会组织用传播手段使自己与公众之间形成( ),使双方达到相互理解和相互适应的管理活动。
①  单向交流
②  相互作用
③  双向交流
④  相互影响
【单选题】 组织与社会公众联结的方式为:
①  传播
②  大众传播
③  人际沟通
④  舆论宣传
【单选题】 ( )指以树立组织良好社会形象为目的,使社会公众对组织增加信心,以树立组织卓著的声誉的广告。
①  公共关系广告
②  公益广告
③  形象广告
④  口碑广告
【单选题】 This painting is ____ of his work.
①  critical
②  logical
③  typical
④  feature
【单选题】 ____ is essential to a successful scientist; he cannot hope to make any progress if he cannot work in a controlled way.
①  Discipline
②  Decision
③  Declaration
④  Dependence
【单选题】 The airport is five miles ____ my house.
①  away from
②  far from
③  far away from
④  far from away
【单选题】 Many a customer____ about the poor quality of the washing machine.
①  complains
②  complain
③  are complaining
④  have complained
【单选题】 ____ by this, he couldn’t say anything.
①  Satisfied
②  Feared
③  Frightened
④  Encouraged
【单选题】 George is so ____ in debt that he is afraid to show up in the pub in case he meets his six creditors.
①  involved
②  concentrated
③  devoted
④  concerned
【单选题】 Every one was ____that day.
①  in great spirit
②  in all spirit
③  in high a spirit
④  in high spirit
【单选题】 23. The singer and dancer ____ our evening party.
①  is to attend
②  was attend
③  were to attend
④  are attend
【单选题】 The policeman needs to see____ your ID card or your drivers license.
①  every
②  each
③  either
④  both
【单选题】 His____ to carry out the plan was weakened by the difficulties he met with.
①  determination
②  decision
③  choice
④  judgment