He is the only one of those workers who [填空]able to do this job.
【单选题】 I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.
①  A.我不仅要特别奖赏那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要奖赏那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
②  B.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
③  C.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们演奏好音乐的人。
④  D.我特别赞扬的不是那些准备了这次盛晚宴的人,而是那些为我们演奏美好音乐的人。
【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 Does Robert have [填空] computer? —Yes,he has [填空] .
①  an,some
②  a,one
③  a,/
④  any,one
【单选题】 Those who have applied for the post()in the office.
①  are being interviewed
②  are interviewing
③  interviewing
④  to be interviewing
【单选题】 There was only one thing to do [] study till dawn.
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【单选题】 A computer can only do____ you have instructed it to do.
①  how
②  after
③  what
④  when
【单选题】 He cannot be tired _______ he has walked only half a mile.
①  since
②  whether
③  when
④  as long as
【单选题】 He has been there, [填空]?
①  hasnt he
②  has he
③  does he
④  doesnt he
【判断题】 Xiao Liu has worked in the plant for only a few days. He is a green hand at doing this job.划线部分应该翻译成“新手”
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher writes one of five numbers (1-5) on a number of cards (the same number as the students). Each student draws one card. Those who have drawn number 1 will form group1, and those who have drawn number 2 will form group 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter.
【单选题】 不属于合同物权担保的方式是
①  抵押
②  质押
③  保证
④  留置
【判断题】 合同的不安抗辩权属于后履行合同义务的当事人享有的抗辩权
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 无效的合同意味着合同没有成立
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 我国法律对定金的数额进行了限制,不得超过主合同标的额的()
①  10%
②  20%
③  5%
④  25%
【多选题】 按照我国《民法典》的规定,下列能作为权利质押标的的是()
①  股票
②  企业债券
③  国库券
④  空白支票
【单选题】 企业签发并承兑的商业承兑汇票如果不能如期支付,应在票据到期并未签发新的票据时,将应付票据账面余额
①  转入“应收账款”账户
②  转入“应付账款”账户
③  转入“坏账准备账户”
④  继续保留在“应付票据”账户中
【多选题】 制造业一般纳税人企业购入的生产经营用机器设备,其入账价值包括
①  购买价款
②  运杂费
③  增值税
④  进口关税
⑤  安装成本
【多选题】 下列各项内容中,能够影响企业营业利润的项目有
①  已销商品成本
②  原材料的销售收入
③  固定资产盘亏支出
④  销售商品的收入
⑤  捐赠支出
【单选题】 下列内容中属于其他业务收入的是
①  罚款收入
②  出售材料收入
③  委托代销商品收入
④  清理固定资产净收益
【多选题】 企业吸收投资人投资时,下列账户的余额可能发生变化的有
①  “盈余公积”账户
②  “资本公积”账户
③  “实收资本”账户
④  “本年利润”账户
⑤  “利润分配”账户