【多选题】 西周时期的刑罚有()
①  鞭扑
②  流放
③  宫刑
④  大辟
【单选题】 西周时期诸侯所设的大学称为( )。
①  辟雍
②  泮宫
③  瞽宗
【简答题】 西周时期在审判中判断当事人陈述真伪的方式叫[填空1]。
【判断题】 我国是在西周时期才开始出现保傅教育制度的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 西周时期买卖奴隶、牛马使用的契券称为()。
【简答题】 西周时期司法官,摆脱神灵裁判,运用心理学审理案件,创立的[填空1]审判方法
【单选题】 在西周时期,既赋予诸侯相关权利,又要求诸侯履行相关义务的制度是()
①  禅让制
②  分封制
③  郡县制
④  行省制
【单选题】 根据《礼记·内则》,在西周时期学前教育期是指( )
①  A.6岁以前
②  B.8岁以前
③  C.9岁以前
④  D.10岁以前
【单选题】 西周时期,法官在审讯中要察言观色,注意当事人的表情,这种审讯方法被称为
①  五刑
②  五听
③  五行
④  九刑
【简答题】 在西周时,故意称为[填空1],过失称为[填空2]。
【单选题】 It is said that people can ______ or deposit money from bank through facial recognition, ie, they don’t have to use a bank card.
①  snatch
②  rob
③  draw
④  pull
【单选题】 In the month, the man earned as much as, if______ than $50,000.
①  no more
②  no much
③  not more
④  not much
【单选题】 —Why didn’t you come to join her party? —I______, but I had to look after my ill mother.
①  would have
②  should
③  would do
④  was going to have
【单选题】 You’ve got a divorce? Why did he decide to______ you after seven years together?
①  keep company with
②  part company with
③  keep in touch with
④  stay in touch with
【单选题】 After filling out this form, please don’t forget to______ your name.
①  sign
②  sigh
③  scribble
④  jot
【单选题】 ______, the experiment will be successful
①  If carefully doing
②  If did carefully
③  If carefully done
④  If doing carefully
【单选题】 —Youshouldhavethankedherbeforesheleft.—Imeant_______,butwhenIwasleavingIcouldntfindheranywhere.
①  to do
②  to
③  doing
④  doing so
【单选题】 The United States______ many other industrialized countries,______ major changes over the past 100 years.
①  as well as; has experienced
②  as well as; experienced
③  together with;experienced
④  together with; have experienced
【单选题】 —What’s the matter with the boys? —They didn’t pass the examination, but they still______.
①  hope that
②  hope it
③  hope to
④  hope so
【单选题】 If the weather is fine, we’ll go. If______,______.
①  no;not
②  not;no
③  no;no
④  not;not