【判断题】 被侵权人死亡的,支付被侵权人医疗费、丧葬费等合理费用的人有权请求侵权人赔偿费用,但侵权人已支付该费用的除外。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 被侵权人死亡的,其[填空]有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。
【判断题】 被侵权人死亡的,其近亲属有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。被侵权人为单位,该单位分立、合并的,承继权利的单位无权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 被侵权人为组织,该组织分立、合并的,[填空]的组织有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。
【简答题】 侵权行为危及他人人身、财产安全的,被侵权人有权请求侵权人承担[填空]、排除妨碍、消除危险等侵权责任。
【单选题】 20条所规定的,侵权人赔偿被侵权人损失的顺序依次是( )
①  损失—利益—协商—判决
②  损失—协商—利益—判决
③  协商—损失—利益—判决
④  利益—损失—协商—判决
【简答题】 侵权人违反法律规定故意污染环境、破坏生态造成严重后果的,被侵权人有权请求相应的[填空]。
【单选题】 被侵权人对损害的发生也有过错的:
①  应当减轻侵权人的责任
②  可以减轻侵权人的责任
③  可以免除侵权人的责任
④  不可以减轻侵权人的责任
【简答题】 被侵权人对同一损害的发生或者扩大有[填空]的,可以减轻侵权人的责任。
【简答题】 被侵权人因此受到的损失以及侵权人因此获得的利益难以确定,被侵权人和侵权人就赔偿数额协商不一致,向人民法院提起诉讼的,由人民法院根据[填空]确定赔偿数额。
【单选题】 3. This English song___ by the girls after class.
①  often sings
②  often sang
③  is often sang
④  is often sung
【单选题】 9.His new book___ next month.
①  will be published
②  is publishing
③  is being published
④  has been published
【单选题】 5 -Id like to buy that coat. -Im sorry. ___.
①  it sold
②  its selling
③  Its been sold
④  it had been sold
【单选题】 2. English ____ in Canada.
①  speaks
②  are spoken
③  is speaking
④  is spoken
【单选题】 7.The key ___ on the table when I leave.
①  was left
②  will be left
③  is left
④  has been left
【单选题】 10. These papers___yet.
①  have not written
②  have not been written  
③  has not written
④  has not been written
【单选题】 1. The Peoples Republic of China ___ on October 1, 1949.
①  found
②  was founded
③  is founded
④  was found
【判断题】 阅读课文II.Which Is Stronger? 判断正误4. According to the Text, the Wind was a nice person who alwyas had a kind word for everyone.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 阅读课文II.Which Is Stronger? 判断正误5. Is it true a man may lead a horse to the eater but he cannot make him drink?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 阅读课文II.Which Is Stronger? 判断正误2.The Sun agreed that the Wind could force the traveller to take off his coat.
①  正确
②  错误