【判断题】 管理沟通有助于维持组织的正常运行。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 管理沟通有助于形成良好的工作关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 家长和学校积极沟通有助于增进感情、信息交流、密切合作、形成共识。()
【单选题】 ()既有助于合同规范化,有助于主管部门加强监督管理,有助于法院及仲裁及时解决合同争议。
①  《装配式建筑评价标准》
②  《建设工程造价鉴定规范》
③  《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》
【单选题】 广泛使用()沟通很可能有助于解决复杂问题。
①  口头
②  书面
③  正式
④  管理信息系统
【多选题】 建设生态文明,有助于()
①  A尽最大可能地节约能源资源、保护生态环境
②  B唤醒全民族的生态忧患意识
③  C认清生态环境问题的复杂性、长期性和艰巨性
④  D持之以恒地重视生态环境保护工作
【单选题】 下列因素中有助于管理幅度扩大的因素是()。
①  主管所处的管理层次较高
②  计划制定的详尽周到
③  下属的工作地点在地理上比较分散
【单选题】 程序化管理有助于管理控制,但不能防止权力滥用。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 美育有助于提升外在形象美。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 信息交流有助于儿童( )的发展
①  语言
②  记忆
③  智力
④  想象力
【单选题】 The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走)quietly to the bird. _____ into the forest when he was about to catch it.
①  Flew it away
②  Away flew it
③  Away it flew
④  Flew away it
【单选题】 In order to prepare a lecture, one must do a lot of research and spend plenty of time____ his material so that his speech is clear and easy to follow.
①  organizing
②  managing
③  operating
④  breeding
【单选题】 It is ten years_____ Miss Green returned to Canada.
①  that
②  when
③  since
④  as
【单选题】 Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ____ the atmosphere.
①  as it is
②  so is
③  the same as
④  and so is
【单选题】 Some words are hard to____ because they have too many different uses.
①  express
②  explain
③  define
④  describe
【单选题】 Modern ____ perhaps causes more problems than it solves.
①  technique
②  technology
③  tactics
④  tendency
【单选题】 Dreams are beautiful. However, to _____ them needs lots of time and work.
①  discover
②  find
③  achieve
④  stop
【单选题】 People____ very much in their ideas.
①  change
②  vary
③  alter
④  transform
【单选题】 — The old man wouldn’ t stay at home for a rest even if it rained. —_____. He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day.
①  So would my grandpa
②  So wouldn’ t my grandpa
③  Neither would my grandpa
④  Nor wouldn’ t my grandpa
【单选题】 The dispute is ____ to be settled for a long time to come.
①  uncertain
②  susceptible
③  impossible
④  unlikely