代理权的行使实质就是代理人义务的履行。代理人负有( )义务。
【多选题】 在民事代理过程中,代理人负有哪些义务
①  履行其代理职责
②  不能同时代理双方当事人为同一法律行为
③  不能与第三人恶意串通损害被代理人的利益
④  在因故暂时无法履行代理职责,应当转托他人代理
【判断题】 代理人知道或者应当知道代理事项违法仍然实施代理行为,则由代理人承担责
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 代理人与第三人串通,损害被代理人利益的,( )
①  由代理人承担赔偿责任
②  由第三人承担赔偿责任
③  由代理人和第三人承担连带责任
④  由代理人承担主要赔偿责任
【判断题】 代理人以自己的名义选任复代理人,因此,复代理人是代理人的代理人。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 被代理人对无权代理行为追认后,该代理关系则:
①  从追认时起生效
②  仍然无效
③  经相对人同意后生效
④  自始有效
【简答题】 在我国,代理适用代理行为地法律,但被代理人与代理人的民事关系,适用([填空1])法律。
【多选题】 关于代理人与被代理人的关系中,下列说法正确的有
①  因授权不明,由被代理人和被代理人负并行的连带责任
②  因违法行为,被代理人和代理人负并行连带责任
③  因恶意串通,第三人和代理人负并行连带责任
④  明知代理人无代理权,代理人和第三人负并行连带责任
【多选题】 关于代理人与被代理人的关系中,下列说法正确的有( )
①  A因授权不明,由被代理人和被代理人负并行的连带责任
②  B因违法行为,被代理人和代理人负并行连带责任
③  C因恶意串通,第三人和代理人负并行连带责任
④  D明知代理人无代理权,代理人和第三人负并行连带责任
【单选题】 代理人在代理权限范围内的代理行为所产生的法律后果归属于(  )。
①  代理人
②  被代理人
③  第三人
④  代理人和被代理人
【单选题】 在委托代理中,代理人有代理权的依据是什么?
①  委托合同
②  委托授权
③  委托合同和委托授权
④  委托合同或委托授权
【单选题】 Tom is in favor of going to the movies; Jack insists on playing football.
①  while
②  meanwhile
③  when
④  at the same time
【单选题】 Ever since the Smiths moved to the suburbs a year ago they __________ better health.
①  could have enjoyed
②  had enjoyed
③  have been enjoying
④  are enjoying
【单选题】 She is quite capable and can be depended on in an __________ .
①  affair
②  accident
③  incident
④  emergency
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 I was worried about chemistry, but Mr Brown gave me an A!
①  Don’t worry about it
②  Congratulations! That’s a difficult course
③  Mr Brown is very good
④  Good luck to you!
【单选题】 __________ evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulate@@
①  It being
②  It is
③  There is
④  There being
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 For a successful business, friendly and __________ staff are essential.
①  sufficient
②  effective
③  efficient
④  respective
【单选题】 Mr. Chairman, could I raise a point about the plan?
①  Yes, Dr Chock
②  I think so, either
③  Yes, I hope not
④  No, I have no idea
【单选题】 These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much.
①  No, no. It’s nothing
②  You are welcome.
③  Yes, I agree
④  Yes, I think so, too