【单选题】 Tc细胞与靶细胞相互作用
①  受MHC-I类分子限制,不具抗原特异性
②  受MHC-Ⅱ类分子限制,不具抗原特异性
③  受MHC-I类分子限制,具有抗原特异性
④  受MHC-Ⅱ类分子限制,具有抗原特异性
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 以下细胞不是来源于单核巨噬细胞转化的细胞是的是
①  伤寒细胞
②  类上皮细胞
③  Langhans巨细胞
④  风湿细胞
⑤  嗜酸性粒细胞
【多选题】 Tc 细胞杀伤靶细胞的机制是
②  CDC
③  释放穿孔素
④  颗粒酶介导的细胞凋亡
⑤  Fas/FasL 介导的细胞凋亡
【单选题】 细胞间相互作用不受MHC限制的是( )
①  CD4<sup>+</sup> Th细胞与树突状细胞
②  CD8<sup>+</sup> CTL细胞与肿瘤细胞
③  CD4<sup>+</sup> Th细胞与巨噬细胞
④  NK细胞与肿瘤细胞
⑤  CD4<sup>+</sup> Th细胞与B细胞
【单选题】 ( )的肿瘤细胞与起源的细胞形态结构相差不大。
①  良性肿瘤
②  恶性肿瘤
③  所有肿瘤
④  马立克氏病引起的内脏器官肿瘤
【单选题】 巨噬细胞来源于下列哪种细胞
①  成纤维细胞
②  纤维细胞
③  单核细胞
④  淋巴细胞
⑤  浆细胞
【单选题】 巨噬细胞是由下列哪种细胞分化的:
①  间充质细胞
②  网状细胞
③  单核细胞
④  巨核细胞
⑤  中性粒细胞
【单选题】 下列细胞中属于各种血细胞的起源细胞是()。
①  造血干细胞
②  嗜中性粒细胞
③  淋巴细胞
④  血小板
⑤  红细胞
【单选题】 CD8+T细胞杀伤靶细胞
①  要识别MHCⅠ类分子上的肽类
②  需要替代途径活化补体
③  要识别MHC Ⅱ类分子上的肽类
④  通过Fc受体与包被了抗体的靶细胞结合
⑤  一个CD8+T细胞只杀伤一个靶细胞
【单选题】 具有抗病毒感染功能的细胞因子是
①  IL-2
②  IFN-γ
③  IL-6
④  G-CSF
⑤  IL-10
【单选题】 To obtain a satisfactory result, one must apply two ____ of paint on a clean surface.
①  coats
②  levels
③  times
④  courses
【单选题】 No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ____going on in the world.
①  it is
②  as is
③  there is
④  what is
【单选题】 They have done things they ought_____.
①  not to do
②  not to be done
③  not to have done
④  not having done
【单选题】 ____ native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.
①  In spite of
②  That it is
③  It was
④  Although
【单选题】 Bit by bit, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language ____.
①  as other people
②  as other people’s
③  like other people
④  like other people’s
【单选题】 Please____ me whether I should accept the offer.
①  advise
②  suggest
③  propose
④  direct
【单选题】 All the flights ____ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
①  were canceled
②  had been canceled
③  having canceled
④  having been canceled
【单选题】 Everything is right here, _____?
①  isn’ t it
②  aren’ t they
③  are they
④  is it
【单选题】 A camera takes light rays bounced off objects and____ them on a sheet of a film.
①  concentrates
②  mixes
③  combines
④  focuses
【单选题】 It has been proposed that we ____ our decision until the next meeting.
①  delayed
②  delay
③  can delay
④  are to delay