已知函数 。下面是实现计算该函数的程序,请填空完成以下程序。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim k As Integer, i As Integer, s As Long n = 5 : k = 1 For i = 1 To n s = s +[填空] Next i Print s End Sub Function pow(a As Integer, b As Integer) As Long Dim i As Integer, t As Long t = 1 For i = 1 To a [填空] Next i pow = t End Function
【简答题】 下列程序段的运行结果是[填空] 。 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a(3) As Long a(0) = 1: a(1) = 2: a(2) = 3: a(3) = 4 j = 1 For i = 3 To 0 Step -1 s = s + a(i) * j j = j * 10 Next i Print s End Sub
【单选题】 设有如下程序: Option Base 0 Private Sub Form_Click() ??? Dim a ??? Dim i As Integer ??? a = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) ??? For i = 0 To 3 ??????? Print a(5 - i); ??? Next End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,则在窗体上显示的是?
①  6?5?4 3
②  5?4?3?2
③  4?3?2 1
④  7?6?5?4
【单选题】 下列程序段的循环结构执行后,i的输出值是_______。 Dim y as Integer For i = 1 To 10 Step 2 y = y + i Next i Print i
①  25
②  10
③  11
④  因为y初值不知道,所以不确定
【单选题】 窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写以下程序: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim m(10) As Integer For k = 1 To 10 m(k) = 12 - k Next k x = 8 Print m(2 + m(x)) End Sub 运行程序,单击命令按钮,在窗体上显示的是 。
①  6
②  5
③  7
④  8
【单选题】 设执行以下程序段时依次输入1、3、5,执行结果为______。 ??? Dim a(4) As Integer, b(4) As Integer ??? For K = 0 To 2 ??????? a(K + 1) = Val(InputBox(请输入数据)) ??????? b(3 - K) = a(K + 1) ??? Next K ??? Print b(K)
①  0
②  3
③  5
④  1
【单选题】 下面的程序段中,循环体执行的次数是( )。 Dim I,s For I=1 to 10 s=s+I Next I
①  1
②  10
③  0
④  11
【单选题】 下面的程序段中,循环体执行的次数是( )。 Dim I,s For I=1 to 10 Step 2 s=s+I Next I
①  1
②  10
③  0
④  5
【简答题】 有如下程序段: For i=1 To 3 For j=5 To 1 Step -1 Print i*j Next j Next i 程序运行后,语句print i*j的执行次数为[填空]。
【简答题】 以下程序的运行结果是[填空1]。 #include stdio.hvoid main(){int i=1,s=1;do{s+=i++;if (s%7==0)continue;else++i;} while (sprintf(%d\n}
【简答题】 以下程序的运行结果是[填空1]。 #include stdio.hvoid main(){int i=1,s=8;do{s+=i++;if (s%7==0)continue;else++i;} while (sprintf(%d\n}
【判断题】 Paul and I are in the same company. We goes to work together.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 It take me two hours to finish my work today.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Do you want some milk?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Hello, is that Paul White? B: No, this is John.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Whos calling, please? B: I am Peter.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Hello, could I speak to Jack, please? B: Who are you?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Hi, Dave. Hows it going? B: Pretty good.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It [填空] two hours for him to repair his computer.
①  take
②  takes
③  took
④  taking
【单选题】 Tom [填空] get up a little earlier tomorrow.
①  needs
②  need
③  need to
④  needs to
【单选题】 That day he ___ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed