字符流与字节流的区别在于( ) 。
【判断题】 弹性变形与塑性变形的区别在于,前者为不可逆变形,后者为可逆变形。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 形声字同会意字的主要区别在于前者带表音成分,而后者不带表音成分。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ATM信元长度的字节数为()。
①  48
②  53
③  32
④  64
【单选题】 设已定义chars[]="\"Name\\Address\023\n";,则字符串所占的字节数是()。
①  19
②  16
③  18
④  14
【单选题】 若已有char b[10][50];则该二维字符数组在内存所占字节数为()
①  10
②  50
③  60
④  500
【单选题】 Character流与Byte流的区别是( )
①  每次读入的字节数不同
②  前者带有缓冲,后者没有
③  前者是字符读写,后者是字节读写
④  二者没有区别,可以互换使用
【单选题】 ( )是字节流。
①  inputStream
②  FileOutputStream
③  BufferedInputStream
④  BufferedWriter
【判断题】 生产观念和产品观念都属于以企业产品为中心的经营思想,其区别在于前者注重质量,后者注重产量。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 虚拟世界和镜像世界都是对人类社会的一种仿真,区别在于前者是相对内在世界,而后者是相对外在世界的
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 爱情是喜欢的特殊形式,二者没有根本的区别。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are ____ enough to get into universities.
①  ambitious
②  fortunate
③  aggressive
④  substantial
【单选题】 There were some ____ flowers on the table.
①  artificial
②  unnatural
③  false
④  unreal
【单选题】 This is the nurse who ____ to me when I was ill in hospital.
①  accompanied
②  attended
③  entertained
④  shielded
【单选题】 、Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ____ to his confusion.
①  extended
②  amounted
③  added
④  turned
【单选题】 Because women often ____ their diet to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.
①  restrict
②  strict
③  stuck
④  construct
【单选题】 He was such a ____ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture.
①  specific
②  dynamic
③  heroic
④  diplomatic
【单选题】 Radio, television and press ____ of conveying news as information.
①  are the most common three means
②  are the most three common means
③  are the three most common means
④  are three the most common means
【单选题】 He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.
①  measure
②  maintain
③  shelter
④  reply
【单选题】 In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relative play ___ roles in raising children.
①  incapable
②  indispensable
③  insensible
④  infinite
【单选题】 My camera can be ____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
①  treated
②  adjusted
③  adopted
④  remedied