5.Nobody would believe his words though he said he was ______ of the crime.
【单选题】 As the offender _______ his crime, he was dealt with leniently.
①  had admitted
②  had confessed
③  had recognized
④  had realized
【单选题】 It was clear that much of what he said was far ____ the truth.
①  for
②  from
③  at
④  to
【单选题】 Though faced with many difficulties, he would not _______ online learning.
①  give up
②  get through
③  get by
④  give in
【单选题】 He said he would never be intimidated _____ what he didn’t like by big names and authorities.
①  do
②  to do
③  did
④  into doing
【单选题】 Having no money but _______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
①  not to want anyone
②  not wanting anyone
③  wanted no one
④  to want no one
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us _____ we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 He said that those books ?[填空] his.
①  was
②  is
③  were
④  are
【单选题】 3. He had to ______ his past actions when he retired, or he would be punished.
①  consider
②  account for
③  think
④  popular
【单选题】 He_____ comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don’ t like it.
①  shall
②  may
③  will
④  can
【判断题】 水库的防洪库容和调洪库容是一样的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国水资源的分布特点是地区分布不均匀、年内分布不均匀、年际变化不大。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 水能计算的主要目的是什么?:。
①  A.确定水电站的工作情况
②  B.经济评价
③  C.选择水电站的主要参数
④  D.环境影响评价
【判断题】 水库的调节计算中,多年库容是用来计算调节年内径流的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 洪灾与涝灾的共同特点都是地面积水过多。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 从时间尺度上来说,水资源保护的目的是为了维持水资源的各种功能。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 污水处理系统工程一般分为三级处理。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 开发利用与保护并重是水资源保护的基本原则之一。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 经过处理的城市污水不能用于饮用水。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 任何()都有依法保护水资源和节约用水的义务。
①  A单位
②  B团体
③  C个人
④  D单位和个人