7.We had warned him________the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning.
【单选题】 7.We could see he felt ______ as he pointed and laughed at them.
①  inferior
②  . stupid
③  superior
④  advanced
【单选题】 Not only ______ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives.
①  we lost
②  lost we
③  we did lose
④  did we lose
【单选题】 We had our breakfast [填空] a quarter [填空] seven
①  /;to
②  in;to
③  at;to
④  on;to
【单选题】 Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ____ of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.
①  output
②  surplus
③  production
④  plenty
【单选题】 Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a _____of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.
①  output
②  surplus
③  production
④  plenty
【单选题】 He left in such a hurry that I _______ had time to thank him.
①  almost
②  even
③  hardly
④  nearly
【单选题】 25.It was the training _______ he had at school _______ made him good jumper.
①  what;what
②  that;that
③  what;that
④  that;had
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【单选题】 It was the training that he had as a young man ____made him such a good engineer.
①  that
②  has
③  what
④  later
【单选题】 The question came up at the meeting ___ we had enough money for our research.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  if
【单选题】 以下电池中循环寿命可以达到1000次以上的是( )。
①  钠硫电池
②  锂电池
③  镍镉电池
④  铅酸电池
【单选题】 以下电池材料元素中属于国际抗癌联盟认定的致癌物质的是( )。
【单选题】 锂离子电池失效的重要原因是活性物质( )消耗。
①  可逆
②  不可逆
③  没有
④  过多
【单选题】 以下关于电池的概念中,属于构成电池组的最基本单元的是( )。
①  电池
②  电池单体
③  电池包
④  电池系统
【单选题】 EV200装配三元锂电池的单体额定电压是( )。
①  2.7V
②  3.2V
③  4.2V
④  3.65V
【单选题】 以下电池中有毒、且具有记忆效应的是( )。
①  镍氢电池
②  锂离子电池
③  镍镉电池
④  铅酸电池
【单选题】 动力电池电芯温度在( )范围内不影响整车的续航里程。
①  0℃<t<55℃
②  10℃<t≤50℃
③  5℃<t≤55℃
④  -10℃<t
【单选题】 动力电池系统由动力电池模组、( )、动力电池箱及辅助元器件等四部分组成。
①  电池管理系统
②  电池输入系统
③  电池输出系统
④  高压保险系统
【单选题】 绝对安全电压指的是()的电压。
①  36V
②  24V
③  12V
④  48V
【单选题】 燃料电池的能量转换效率可高达(),比内燃机要高()倍。
①  50~60%, 1~2
②  60~70, 2~3
③  70~80%, 3~4
④  80~85, 3~4