1. I have two friends but_______of them 1ikes to go fishing with me.
【单选题】 I have two hobbies. One is fishing, ____ is cooking.
①  another
②  the other
③  else
④  other
【单选题】 I answered the question in two ways, but _____ of them was right.
①  either
②  both
③  none
④  neither
【判断题】 A: Will you go fishing with me this afternoon? B: Certainly, Ill be glad to.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 1. I help him ____ he helps me. We help each other.
①  but
②  and
③  or
④  though
【单选题】 These two areas are similar __________ they both have a high rainfall during this season.
①  to that
②  besides that
③  in that
④  except that
【判断题】 I have two leaves.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —He has two brothers and three sisters. Do you know____ of them?—No, I know ____ of them.
①  some; none
②  some
③  any; none
④  either; some
【单选题】 Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _______ one.
①  three
②  third
③  forth
④  不填
【单选题】 “Which of these two ties will you take?” “I’ll take ____to give me a change sometimes.”?
①  either ?
②  both ?
③  neither ?
④  all?
【单选题】 Would you like to go fishing with us now?
①  No, I don’t like
②  It sounds interesting but I have lots of homework to do
③  I won’t tell you
④  Oh, it is well
【单选题】 ( )可能是造成真空滴油管注油泵不泵油。
①  至注油单向阀管道漏
②  注油单向阀接头漏
③  注油单向阀堵塞
④  注油单向阀关闭不严
【单选题】 要使压缩机组无负荷,应( )。
①  打开压缩机出站阀门
②  卸下压缩机排气阀
③  卸下压缩机的进气阀
④  打开旁通阀和放空阀
【单选题】 要求连接强度高、拆卸方便应采用( )连接方法。
①  承插连接
②  法兰连接
③  焊接连接
④  螺纹连接
【单选题】 下列封头中不能用于低压的是( )。
①  蝶形
②  平板形
③  无折边锥形?
④  球冠形
【单选题】 下列不属于循环型蒸发器的是( )。
①  单程型蒸发器
②  中央循环
③  强制循环
④  外加热循环
【单选题】 下列不属于循环型蒸发器的是()。
①  单程型蒸发器
②  中央循坏管式
③  强制循坏式蒸发器
④  外加热式蒸发器
【单选题】 结晶设备按操作方式分( )。
①  母液循坏结晶器
②  间歇结晶器
③  蒸发结晶器
④  冷却结晶器
【单选题】 对于管路标注IA0601—25×3,下列说法不正确的是( )。
①  “01”是管段序号
②  该管道公称直径为25?
③  “IA”表示压缩空气
④  “06”是工段号
【单选题】 动设备又称为( )。
①  化工机器
②  塔器
③  化工设备
④  化工机械
【单选题】 ( )具有优良的电绝缘、防水和化学稳定性,可制作设备衬里、金属表面防腐涂层等。
①  聚乙烯
②  聚丙烯
③  耐酸酚醛
④  聚四氟乙烯