1. His paper was singled ______ as an example.
【单选题】 The inspector ____ his fingers over the sheet of newspaper. There were some marks on the surface of the paper.
①  turned
②  set
③  held
④  ran
【单选题】 1.—Did you accept his invitation? — ____bet I did.
①  I
②  You
③  People
④  They
【单选题】 The thieves ____ the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.
①  spread
②  scratched
③  scattered
④  burned
【单选题】 The thieves _____the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.
①  spread
②  scratched
③  scattered
④  burned
【单选题】 I live in the?house??[填空]windows?look out over the sea
①  whose
②  which
③  who
④  that
【单选题】 Dave ____ into the house without ____ out by his parents.
①  slipped; finding
②  slips; finding
③  slips; to be found
④  slipped; being found
【单选题】 12. If you _______materials from other books in your paper, you should mark them out.
①  cite
②  learn
③  borrow
④  assure
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]1. My dear, do not[填空1]such gloomy thoughts. Let us hope for better things.
【单选题】 His____ to carry out the plan was weakened by the difficulties he met with.
①  determination
②  decision
③  choice
④  judgment
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【多选题】 按照法律关系所依据法律规范的性质可分为:
①  民事法律关系
②  行政法律关系
③  刑事法律关系
④  诉讼法律关系
【多选题】 根据法律责任的性质和实施法律制裁的主体不同,法律制裁可以分为:
①  违宪制裁
②  行政制裁
③  民事制裁
④  刑事制裁
【多选题】 按照法律解释的尺度不同,可以将法律解释分为:
①  字面解释
②  学理解释
③  限制解释
④  扩充解释
【多选题】 下列属于民事制裁的措施的有:
①  赔礼道歉
②  赔偿损失
③  罚款
④  罚金
【多选题】 法的效力范围包括:
①  时间效力
②  空间效力
③  对事的效力
④  对人的效力
【单选题】 在我国,由国务院制定的规范性文件被称为:
①  法律
②  行政法规
③  部门规章
④  地方性法规
【单选题】 最基本的法律关系主体是:
①  个人
②  团体
③  民族
④  国家
【单选题】 法的基本构成要素中最主要的是:
①  法律概念
②  法律规范
③  法律原则
④  技术规范
【单选题】 下列哪一项指合同一方当事人不履行合同义务或履行合同义务不符合合同约定所应承担的民事责任。
①  违宪责任
②  违约责任
③  刑事责任
④  行政责任
【单选题】 平权型法律关系中主体之间的地位是:
①  平等的
②  不平等
③  隶属的
④  不确定的