2. This machine is ______ being improved.
capable to
able of
able to
capable of
【单选题】 ____, he is not capable of teaching.
①  A teacher as he is
②  Teacher as he is
③  As a teacher
④  As a teacher he is
【单选题】 He gambled ______ being able to buy a ticket at the last minute.
①  about
②  on
③  in
④  with
【单选题】 She is quite capable and can be depended on in an __________ .
①  affair
②  accident
③  incident
④  emergency
【单选题】 Without them you will not be able to( ) the tasks
①  fulfillment
②  fulfil
③  fulfilled
④  fulfilling
【单选题】 ________you need to be able to concentrate.
①  At work
②  Work
③  Working
④  Worked
【单选题】 Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is ____ with a cold.
①  laid out
②  laid up
③  laid by
④  laid down
【单选题】 I won’t be able to attend the meeting tonight because _________ .
①  I must teach a class
②  I teach a class
③  I will be teaching a class
④  I will have been teaching a class
【单选题】 Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is _____with a cold.
①  laid out
②  laid up
③  laid by
④  laid down
【单选题】 Now we may be able to say ____ between music and noise.
①  that what the difference
②  what the difference is
③  the difference is what
④  what is the difference
【单选题】 01. You should be able to_________ right from wrong.
①  perceive
②  distingusih
③  sight
④  observe
【单选题】 在固定资产子系统中,使用批量制单方式,记账凭证的摘要?
①  系统自动给出,不能修改
②  系统自动给出,能修改
③  只能手工输入
④  视具体情况而定
【单选题】 下列哪个项目在调整当月影响折旧的计提?
①  原值
②  累计折旧
③  净残值(率)
④  .折旧方法
【单选题】 填制赁证时,填入的日期应是什么的日期?
①  操作员登录
②  业务发生
③  已结账期间
④  都不对
【单选题】 账务处理系统中,凭证输入和审核应由谁完成?
①  一个人
②  二个人
③  经理
④  计算机
【单选题】 下列哪种情况允许工资系统反结账处理?
①  总账系统已结账
②  成本管理上月已结账
③  总账中存在工资系统本月生成的未被冲销的凭证
④  固定资产本月已结账
【单选题】 要从总体上了解企业所拥有固定资产的折旧计提程度,可选择系统提供的?
①  部门构成分析表
②  价值结构分析表
③  类别构成分析表
④  使用状况分析表
【单选题】 工资核算的主要任务包括计算应提的?
①  职工福利费
②  职工教育费
③  工会费用
④  三者都是
【单选题】 在固定资产系统中每月可以进行多少次计提本月折旧操作?
①  只能做一次
②  只能做两次
③  次数无限制
④  在选项中可以控制计提折旧的次数
【判断题】 财务上的控制权层级划分,在于明晰不同层级的控制权所代表的控制力、影响力。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 集团投资战略有两层涵义,一是从导向层面理解,二是从操作层面理解。投资项目财务决策标准是从导向层面理解的内容。
①  正确
②  错误