10.We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in ______ with it.
【单选题】 We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style rather than________.
①  in a personal style
②  with a personal style
③  personal style
④  a personal style
【单选题】 Doctors should ( )prevention of diseases rather than cure.
①  dwell on
②  focus on
③  depend on
④  rely on
【单选题】 We solved the problem by using a computer rather than ____ it all by hand.
①  to do
②  do
③  does
④  having done
【单选题】 17.We`d rather stay at home than go to the cinema, _____?.
①  hadwe
②  hadn`twe
③  wouldn`twe
④  wouldwe
【单选题】 A precis should be concise; that is, it should be [] than the original material.
①  complicated
②  clearer
③  simpler
【单选题】 “If we fail to act now,” said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves ____ in action later on.”
①  paid back
②  paid for
③  paid up
④  paid off
【单选题】 “If we fail to act now, “said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves _____in action later on.”
①  paid back
②  paid for
③  paid up
④  paid off
【单选题】 When we speak to people, we should be ______.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 A: If things go on like this, we shall destroy ourselves. B: [填空]
①  Really? Congratulations!
②  Come on. Its not that bad.
③  Yes, you are good at it.
④  Its none of my business.
【单选题】 You’ d rather have a cup of tea than have a cup of coffee, _____?
①  wouldn’ t you
②  hadn’ t you
③  would you
④  had you
【单选题】 电视解说词的作用不包括
①  传达信息
②  揭示主题
③  引导受众
④  控制舆论
【判断题】 电视剪辑的六大法则包括:情感、故事情节、节奏、视觉跟踪、屏幕的二维位置、三维空间。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中国共产党在全民族抗战中起到了中流砥柱的作用,表现在( ) 。
①  积极倡导、促成、维护抗日民族统一战线,最大限度动员全国军民共同抗战
②  创立和发展了毛泽东思想,对抗战胜利发挥了重要的指导作用
③  开辟敌后战场,建立抗日根据地,牵制和消灭了日军大量有生力量,为抗日战争的战略反攻准备了条件
④  坚持全面抗战路线,制定正确的战略方针,最富于献身精神
【判断题】 我国第一部少数民族题材的电视纪录片是《欢乐的新疆》
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《带摄影机的人》是谁的作品?
①  保德维尔
②  帕尔·罗伦兹
③  吉加·维尔托夫
④  莱尼·里芬斯塔尔
【判断题】 一般的纪录片都有有序、开端、发展、高潮、结尾五个部分,而且有一条主线将它们贯穿起来,组织成一个有机的整体。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 被誉为“先锋电影诗人”的荷兰纪录电影大师是巴赞
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 纪录片是社会生活包罗万象的简单的摹拟和写照。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 纪录片在中国经历了四个发展时期,分别是政治化纪录片时期、人文化纪录片时期、平民化纪录片时期、社会化纪录片时期
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《新闻调查》选题遴选的标准不包括
①  调查性
②  故事性
③  艺术性
④  命运感