8.Do you have any idea what he meant? I really can’t ______ what he said at this morning’s meeting.
figure on
figure out
find out
【单选题】 ____ find out what had happened.
①  Not until he woke up did he
②  Not until he woke up he
③  Until he woke up did he
④  Until he woke up he
【单选题】 10. ______ radio ______ and try to find out what’s wrong with it.
①  Take…apart
②  Tell…apart
③  Cutting…into pieces
④  Separate…apart
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? T: do you have any hobbies? S: yes, I like singing and dancing. T: Uhm, and...? S: I also collect coins. T: Oh, really, how many...have you already...collected?
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter
【单选题】 06. He spoke so quickly that I didn t _________ what he said.
①  makefor
②  makesure
③  makeover
④  makeout
【单选题】 What can I do for you, madam?
①  I want a kilo of apples
②  You can go your own way
③  Thanks
④  Excuse me. I’m busy
【单选题】 —Hello there, what can I do for you, sir?—_____________________.
①  I can do it myself.
②  No, youre welcome.
③  I would like to buy a pair of glasses.
④  Yes, thank you.
【单选题】 Sorry, I can’t find the books you asked for.____________
①  Don’t mention it.
②  It’s your fault.
③  Thanks anyway.
④  I won’t forgive you.
【单选题】 We tried to ____ what he meant.
①  make for
②  make out
③  make of
④  make from
【单选题】 Peter could hardly catch what I said, _____ he?
①  could
②  couldn’ t
③  did
④  didn’ t
【单选题】 If only he __________ what I tell him, but he won’t.
①  had done
②  would do
③  would have done
④  has done
【判断题】 沿江和沿淮三地风味菜组成,以皖南菜为代表。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 烹饪原料烹调前初步熟处理方法包括有滚、飞水、泡油、煨、爆、炸等多种工艺。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 有味的汤汁勾芡后再放进成熟的原料拌匀的调味方法称为拌芡。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中国菜的制作特点是,善于选用多种原料,恰当合理地配比佐料。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 烹调时在明确了火候要求的同时,还要根据原料的数量调节火力。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中国烹饪古籍的食单菜谱中最著名的是清代袁枚的随园食单和童岳的调鼎集。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 全羊席是土家族的上等宴席。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 鱼的外部结构大致分为头部、尾部和躯干部。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国风味小吃可分为南味和北味两大风味,京式、广式和苏式三大流派。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 咸味是非甜味菜品的主味,有百味之王之称,是各种复合味的基础味。
①  正确
②  错误