4.Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer ______.
before long
until recently
long before
in the past few years
【单选题】 It won’t be long ____ we know each other well.
①  after
②  until
③  when
④  before
【判断题】 It wasnt long before Mother had a full enrollment and a waiting list.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 This technology has been ?around for a long time, but not until recent years _______ it in marketing.
①  businesses employed
②  did businesses employ
③  businesses had employed?
④  had businesses employed
【单选题】 It was quite a few years before Mark Twain finally finished his last novel.
①  A.在马克·吐温完成最后一部小说之前,已经是好几年了。
②  B.在马克·吐温完成最后一部小说之前,又是好几年了。
③  C.过了好几年,马克·吐温才终于完成最后一部小说。
④  D.马克·吐温完成了最后一部小说时,又过了好几年。
【单选题】 The prices of the agricultural products have been ____ steadily in the past few years.
①  risen
②  raised
③  arisen
④  aroused
【单选题】 A: How long have you been here?B: Not for long, only about five minutes. Alice and Monica ______ here with me.
①  have walked
②  had walked
③  were walking
④  walked
【单选题】 Before?he came to China, he??[填空]Chinese for three years.
①  have learned
②  had learned
③  learned
④  learning
【单选题】 He didn’t ______ to cause so much unhappiness.
①  extend
②  attend
③  intend
④  tend
【单选题】 -We’ve worked for a long time, what about stopping to have a rest? -_____________________.
①  A. I like it.
②  A. You are wonderful.
③  A. That’s a good idea.
④  very good
【单选题】 -Weve worked for a long time, what about stopping a while to have a rest?-_____________________.
①  I like it.
②  You are wonderful.
③  Thats a good idea.
④  ok
【单选题】 只能单向调用的子系统交互称为( )。
①  平等伙伴关系
②  合作关系
③  客户-供应商关系
④  独立性关系
【单选题】 若不论k为何值,直线y=k(x-2)+b与曲线x2-y2=1总有公共点,则b的取值范围是(  )
①  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/e9998fb00fcc2b880776111bdad91542.png/>
②  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/a51d72636c67d473a46bb83426ef1b3b.png/>
③  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/04eb16dfe72d8c30c01a84f79440f0e6.png/>
④  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/97b5a58bc1f58ba5d2c45562faed49aa.png/>
【单选题】 如果两个模块之间没有直接关系,它们之间的联系完全是通过主模块的控制和调用来实现的,这就是( )。
①  交互耦合
②  继承耦合
③  内容耦合
④  非直接耦合
【单选题】 <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/a6b7c718d2620eed2d984c6b7590ca1a.png/>
①  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/2105617637616adaded914c676314621.png/>
②  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/d5e9ce755667342e963e6a8143a15f1e.png/>
③  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/aefec0368436d7c8c95f9fa3e4404ff9.png/>
④  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/b378516e7227b92933f638c2a5e8b16f.png/>
【单选题】 如图所示,矩形ABCD中,AB=4,BC=<img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/05e2172e1f41a5c11459f047d3e0ca79.png width=29 height=18 style=width: 29px; height: 18px;/>,点E是折线段A-D-C上的一个动点(点E与点A不重合),点P是点A关于BE的对称点.在点E运动的过程中,使△PCB为等腰三角形的点E的位置共有( )<img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/7aca8c9bd2a0a8c9a5020f381b8c8517.png/>
①  2个
②  3个
③  4个
④  5个
【单选题】 选择程序设计语言不应该考虑的是( )。
①  应用领域
②  语言的功能
③  用户的要求
④  用户的使用水平
【单选题】 二次函数y=x2-x-2的图象如图所示,则函数值y<0时,x的取值范围是( )<img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/8a4eb402e98c74498d8fec1c0e054071.png/>
①  x<-1
②  x>2
③  -1<x<2
④  x<-1或x>2
【单选题】 等差数列{an}的首项为1,公差不为0.若a2,a3,a6成等比数列,则{an}前6项的和为(  )
①  -3
②  -24
③  3
④  8
【单选题】 在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AB=4,AC=1,则cosB的值为(  )
①  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/416003313543c46389727215cf5fdf5e.png/>
②  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/815cb3107dfc5e693b99aee8b5868e6b.png/>
③  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/e528bba5f45832ce245638fb12b9adac.png/>
④  <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/ba6a76d1139a1eeee441eb79597b3a02.png/>
【填空题】 已知四棱椎P-ABCD的底面是边长为6的正方形,侧棱PA垂直底面ABCD,且PA=8,则该四棱椎的体积是[填空1]