You _____ her in her office last Friday, she’s been out of town for two weeks.
needn’t have seen
must have seen
might have seen
can’t have seen
【单选题】 Havent seen you for ages. Lets have a dinner together this weekend.____________
①  Yes, of course.
②  Welcome!
③  No, thanks.
④  Great idea!
【单选题】 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _______ and disorder!
①  mess
②  mass
③  guess
④  bus
【单选题】 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a____ and disorder!
①  mass
②  mess
③  guess
④  bus
【单选题】 I haven’t seen her for years, but I could still ____ her voice on the phone.
①  recognize
②  realize
③  hear
④  know
【单选题】 He said that he ?[填空] not seen her that day .
①  has
②  have
③  having
④  had
【单选题】 _____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.
①  Had it not been
②  Hadnt itbeen
③  Was it not
④  Were it not
【单选题】 29. _______ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.
①  Had it not been
②  Hadn’t it been  
③  Was it not
④  Were it not
【单选题】 Haven’t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now?____________
①  I hate the weather here.
②  My hair is getting a bit longer.
③  I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.
④  Yeah, thanks for coming.
【单选题】 She didn’ t come to the party last Sunday._____, she must have made the party more exciting.
①  If she came
②  Would she come
③  Had she come Did she come
【单选题】 You must have stayed up late last night, _____?
①  mustn’ t you
②  don’ t you
③  didn’ t you
④  needn’ t you
【判断题】 果冻是用糖、水和鱼胶粉或琼脂,按一定比例调制而成的冷冻甜食。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )是以油酥面团为坯料,借助模具,通过制坯、烘烤、装饰等工艺制成的内盛水果或馅料的一类较小型的点心。
①  布丁
②  苏夫力
③  气鼓
【单选题】 “Strawberry”是指( )。
①  蓝莓
②  胡桃
③  草莓
【单选题】 面团在搅拌时,由于空气的不断进入,使面团所含蛋白质内的( )被氧化成分子间的双硫键,从而使面筋形成了三维空间结构。
①  麦清蛋白
②  麦球蛋白
③  单硫键
④  硫氢键
【单选题】 “基准蛋白”一般是指( )蛋白。
①  蛋类
②  奶类
③  肉类
④  大豆
【判断题】 在面团分割的过程中,不论是手工分割还是机器分割,都要动作迅速。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 面点间员工做到工作前和便后严格按程序洗手,就可保持手的清洁。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 制作千层酥可以使用牛油。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 由于天使蛋糕含其它配料少,所以天使蛋糕烘烤所需的温度要比其它清蛋糕低。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 盐可以在发酵面团中调节发酵速度,没有盐的面团发酵极不稳定,容易发酵过度,发酵的时间难以掌握。
①  正确
②  错误