6.It was very ______ of you to let us know you were going to be late.
【单选题】 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ____?
①  weren’t you
②  didn’t you
③  have you
④  did you
【单选题】 Please send us a list of your ( ) and let us know if you are prepared to allow discount for a block booking.
①  price
②  quotatio
③  rate
④  tariffs
【判断题】 A: You look tired. Let us have a rest, will you? B: I agree with you.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 15.Let me know if you hear any _____ news.
①  farther
②  further
③  far
④  . the further
【单选题】 But considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we shall ______ you a special discount.
①  grade
②  grasp
③  grant
④  glance
【单选题】 A: I thought you were working until 6:30. B: [填空], but we finished our meeting at 5:30 and were let go.
①  I tried to
②  I hoped so
③  Id love to
④  I was supposed to
【单选题】 Well, it’s getting late. I must be going. Thank you again for inviting me to the party.
①  Oh, it’s so late
②  Thank you for coming
③  Oh, so soon?
④  I really had a happy time
【单选题】 The lady _____________ you met in my office is going to give us a report this afternoon.
①  whom
②  what
【单选题】 Considering your first transaction with us, we would like to ask you to offer name and address of your bank so as to enable us to ______ references.
①  apply with
②  account for
③  apply for
④  account on
【单选题】 We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?___________
①  I’m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.
②  Of course not. I have no idea.
③  No, I can’t.
④  That’s all set.
【单选题】 人的基本心理活动为
①  认知、情感和能力
②  认知、情感和意志
③  知识、情感和意志
④  知识、情感和能力
【单选题】 饮食对血液检验结果的影响主要取决于
①  饮食的成分
②  饮食的数量
③  进食的时间
④  进食的速度
【单选题】 T波代表
①  心室除极过程的电位变化
②  心室缓慢复极过程的电位变化
③  心室快速复极过程的电位变化
④  心室后继电位
【单选题】 通常将个体在失去某种其重视或追求的东西时产生的情绪体验,称为
①  焦虑
②  紧张
③  抑郁
④  恐惧
【单选题】 对个体社会属性的评估的内容应包括
①  个性、角色、压力、环境
②  情绪情感、角色、家庭、文化
③  角色、文化、家庭、环境
④  文化、语言、家庭、角色
【单选题】 空腹采血一般指空腹
①  6小时后采血
②  8小时后采血
③  10小时后采血
④  12小时后采血
【单选题】 自我概念的组成中最不稳定,易受疾病、手术或外伤影响的部分是哪项
①  身体意象
②  社会认同
③  自我认同
④  自尊
【单选题】 急性心机梗死最具有诊断价值的心电图改变是
①  T波倒置
②  ST段压低
③  ST段弓背向上抬高
④  异常Q波
【判断题】 腹部刺激征包括压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 杵状指可见于支气管肺癌。
①  正确
②  错误