9.When the class was over, everyone made__________the dining room.
【单选题】 The room had a seating ( ) of over 200.
①  capacity
②  capable
③  capacitive
④  capacious
【单选题】 There were some chairs left over[] everyone had sat down.
①  when
②  until
③  that
④  where
【单选题】 7. As soon as they heard the teacher say, “Dinner is ready,” the children made a dash ____ the dining-hall.
①  for
②  at
③  into
④  up
【单选题】 25.She ____the loud speaker so that everyone in the lecture room could hear her.
①  turnedon
②  turnedup
③  turnedoff
④  turneddown
【单选题】 Clothing made of plastic fibres has certain advantages over ____ made of natural fibres like cotton, wool, or silk.
①  one
②  the one
③  that
④  what
【判断题】 When I saw him, he was cleaninging his room.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The thieves ____ the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.
①  spread
②  scratched
③  scattered
④  burned
【单选题】 The thieves _____the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.
①  spread
②  scratched
③  scattered
④  burned
【单选题】 Of the six people in the plane when it crashed, only one _____ . Everyone else died.
①  emerged
②  survived
③  existed
④  escaped
【单选题】 Hes very proud,___ everyone in the class doesnt like him.
①  because
②  if
③  so
【多选题】 “亡阳”的危重证候可表现为:( )
①  神疲
②  脉微欲绝
③  大汗淋漓
④  肌肤手足逆冷
⑤  倦卧
【多选题】 从临床上看,七情致病以( )脏为多见
【多选题】 下列属于“风气内动”病机的有 ( )
①  肝阳化风
②  阴虚动风
③  热极生风
④  血虚生风
⑤  风邪上扰
【多选题】 邪正斗争所发生的盛衰变化影响着:( )
①  疾病阴阳转化的病机
②  疾病的发展与转归
③  疾病的表里转化的病
④  疾病的寒热转化的病机
⑤  病证的虚实变化
【多选题】 既是病理产物,又是致病因素的有:( )
①  六淫
②  七情
③  瘀血
④  劳倦
⑤  痰饮
【单选题】 不属于气陷的临床表现是:( )
①  子宫脱垂
②  腰腹胀满重坠
③  里急后重
④  久利脱肛
⑤  阴虚证
【单选题】 病证的虚实变化,主要取决于:( )
①  气血的盛衰
②  邪正斗争之间的盛衰变化
③  气机失调
④  脏腑阴阳失调
⑤  脾阳虚
【单选题】 什么是发病的内在根据:( )
①  正气不足
②  邪气
③  阴阳失调
④  脏腑紊乱
⑤  气血不足
【单选题】 提出“三因学说”的是:( )
①  内经
②  难经
③  陈无择
④  张仲景
⑤  朱丹溪
【单选题】 称为“百病之长”的邪气是( )
①  风邪
②  寒邪
③  暑邪
④  火邪
⑤  燥邪