【单选题】 下列哪项不是糖尿病酮症酸中毒诱因()
①  感染
②  外伤及手术
③  妊娠及分娩
④  胰岛素过量
【单选题】 关于代谢性酸中毒下列哪项正确
①  低钾血症引起
②  大量利尿引起
③  体内碳酸增高引起
④  体内碳酸氢根的减少引起
【单选题】 呼吸性酸中毒可引起( )
①  高碳酸血症
②  低碳酸血症
③  pH明显升高
④  低钾血症
⑤  低钠血症
【判断题】 长期应用氢氧噻嗪可引起低血钾、低血钠、低血糖、高尿酸血症。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 碱中毒的患者易发生
①  低血钙性抽搐
②  低血钾性抽搐
③  高血钙性抽搐
④  高血钾性抽搐
⑤  以上都不是
【判断题】 代谢性酸中毒对中枢神经系统的影响比呼吸性酸中毒更严重。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 碱中毒时出现手足搐搦的主要原因是
①  血钠降低
②  血钾降低
③  血镁降低
④  血钙降低
【单选题】 碱中毒时出现手足搐搦的主要原因是
①  血钠降低
②  血钾降低
③  血镁降低
④  血钙降低
【单选题】 下列哪项符合糖尿病酮症酸中毒的临床特点
①  呼吸浅快、呼气有大蒜味
②  呼吸浅慢
③  呼吸困难、口唇青紫
④  潮式呼吸
⑤  呼吸深大、呼气有烂苹果味
【单选题】 列哪项不是引起呕吐的主要原因()
①  A.外邪侵袭
②  B.湿邪困脾
③  C.饮食不节
④  D.情志失调
【单选题】 Since you have already come, you _____ stay here for a couple of days.
①  might well
②  might as well
③  might have to
④  might
【单选题】 I found the book you recommended in the library, ______ is missing.
①  the front cover of which
②  the front cover of that
③  that front cover
④  of what front cover
【单选题】 Malaysian Airlines lost an airplane on March 8 last year, _____ whereabouts still remains a mystery.
①  its
②  whose
③  their
④  the
【单选题】 Neither John nor his roommates _____ in the dormitory yesterday evening.
①  was
②  were
③  has been
④  had been
【单选题】 _____ you work hard enough _____ you be able to get a PhD degree in three years.
①  Only if, will
②  If only, would
③  Should, will
④  Unless, would
【单选题】 China hosted the Olympic Games in 2008, thus _____ her dream to be recognized as one of the greatest nations in the world.
①  having realized
②  realizing
③  realized
④  to realize
【单选题】 Man is superior to animals ______ he uses language to convey his thoughts.
①  that
②  in that
③  when
④  in which
【单选题】 If it _____ for his help, I wouldn’t be a university student now.
①  hasn’t been
②  hadn’t been
③  wasn’t
④  weren’t
【单选题】 The conference _____ next year will be an important event in the history of the country.
①  having been held
②  being held
③  to be held
④  held
【单选题】 Have a word with the manager ______ if he’s willing to reduce the price.
①  and to see
②  and see
③  and seeing
④  so to see