George was introduced to ____ activities at a young age, when he was hired to act as a lookout for drug dealers.
【单选题】 George was introduced to _____activities at a young age, when she was hired to act as a lookout for drug-dealers.
①  illegal
②  lawful
③  faithful
④  peaceful
【单选题】 When father was young, he ______from morning till night.
①  was made work
②  was made working
③  made to work
④  was made to work
【单选题】 George is so ____ in debt that he is afraid to show up in the pub in case he meets his six creditors.
①  involved
②  concentrated
③  devoted
④  concerned
【单选题】 Alice had a dream of becoming a biologist at a very young age and her ( ) paid off.
①  possess
②  prevail
③  positive
④  persistence
【单选题】 He’s [填空]young to go to school
①  only
②  to
③  enough
④  too
【单选题】 The decision to quit school at that young age is, ____, the most stupid thing I have ever done.
①  by comparison
②  in retrospect
③  at first sight
④  at times
【单选题】 When he was a boy, he used to go there and watch ____.
①  to repair bicycles
②  bicycles to be repaired
③  bicycles being repaired
④  repairing bicycles
【单选题】 When he was 65,he[填空] that he didn’t want to stop
①  decided
②  decides
③  will decide
④  is deciding
【单选题】 When he was a boy,he used to go there and watch________.
①  to repair bicycles
②  bicycles to be repaired
③  bicycles being repaired
④  repairing bicycles
【单选题】 34.He translated the young tree to the park ____it was the best time for it.
①  where
②  when
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 《岳阳楼记》:“不以物喜,不以己悲。”这里使用的修辞方式是
①  并提
②  互文
③  代称
④  委婉
【单选题】 《庄子·逍遥游》:“而御六气之辩。”郭庆藩集释:“辩读为变。”“读为”这个注解术语的作用是
①  注音
②  说明被释词所指的范围
③  用本字来说明假借字
④  说明比喻或影射
【单选题】 “山中一夜雨,树杪百重泉”属于
①  借音对
②  借义对
③  流水对
④  平对
【单选题】 三十六字母表中,影喻晓匣的发音部位是
①  齿头
②  正齿
【单选题】 三十六字母表中,知彻澄娘的发音部位是
①  重唇
②  轻唇
③  舌头
④  舌上
【单选题】 《楚辞·离骚》:“各兴心而嫉妒。”王逸注:“害贤为嫉,害色为妒。”“为”这个注解术语的作用是
①  说明被释词所指的范围
②  说明比喻或影射
③  说明同义词和近义词之间的细微差别
④  用引申义解释
【单选题】 用读音相同或相近的词来作注释,是
①  形训
②  声训
③  义训
【单选题】 三十六字母表中,非敷奉微的发音部位是
①  重唇
②  轻唇
③  舌头
④  舌上
【单选题】 《资治通鉴》:“曹公,豺虎也。”这里使用的修辞方式是
①  引用
②  譬喻
③  代称
④  委婉
【单选题】 三十六字母表中,端透定泥的发音部位是
①  重唇
②  轻唇
③  舌头
④  舌上