The ____ in Janet’s character has hindered her from advancement in her career.
【判断题】 Her home is far from her company.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Julie has gained more experience than____ in her restaurant and the customers like her.
①  any waitress
②  other waitresses
③  the waitress
④  any other waitress
【单选题】 The disappearance of her paper has never been _____.
①  counted for
②  looked up
③  accounted for
④  checked up
【单选题】 Her parents objected to ____ that farmer, though he has a lot of money.?
①  her marrying ?
②  marrying ?
③  marry ?
④  her marrying with?
【判断题】 Brierley’s book has the ___merit___ of being both informative and readable.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I noticed her ____ a pen from the ground.
①  to pick out
②  to pick up
③  pick out
④  pick up
【单选题】 Alicereceived an invitation from her boss, ____came as a surprise.?
①  it ?
②  that ?
③  which ?
④  he?
【单选题】 I [] she will recover quickly from her illness.
①  hope
②  wish
【单选题】 David watched her car until it ________ from view.
①  remainded
②  dalayed
③  grew
④  disappeared
【单选题】 You _____ her in her office last Friday, she’s been out of town for two weeks.
①  needn’t have seen
②  must have seen
③  might have seen
④  can’t have seen
【单选题】 病历中主诉记载的内容一般不超过( )
【单选题】 与已发生医患纠纷的患方沟通时,以下做法错误的是( )
【单选题】 《医疗事故处理条例》所指的四级医疗事故是指造成患者( )
【单选题】 关于“审慎”说法错误的是( )
【单选题】 关于护理人员的思想品德,下列哪项说法不准确( )
【单选题】 人际沟通能力是指一个人与他人( )进行沟通信息的能力
【单选题】 医务人员的礼仪应遵循( )的原则
【单选题】 导致医患关系紧张的医方因素不包括( )
【单选题】 世界卫生组织五星级医生的标准不包括( )
【单选题】 依据《中华人民共和国医师法》,以不正当手段取得医师资格证书或者医师执业证书的,由发给证书的卫生健康主管部门予以撤销,( )年内不受理其相应申请