She didn’ t come to the party last Sunday._____, she must have made the party more exciting.
If she came
Would she come
Had she come Did she come
【单选题】 Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is ____ with a cold.
①  laid out
②  laid up
③  laid by
④  laid down
【单选题】 Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is _____with a cold.
①  laid out
②  laid up
③  laid by
④  laid down
【单选题】 She told me ?[填空]come and take a pen.
①  not
②  to
③  that
④  in
【单选题】 _______ she tried her best, she didn’t succeed.
①  Though
②  When
③  If
④  After
【单选题】 —Would you like to come to our party this weekend?—______.
①  Yes, it was an interesting party
②  No, I’d like to
③  I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend the party
④  No
【单选题】 She was so _____ in her job that she didn’t hear someone knocking at the door.
①  attracted
②  drawn
③  absorbed
④  concentrated
【单选题】 She will have to find somewhere else to work, for she can’t ____this loud noise any longer.
①  come up with
②  catch up with
③  keep up with
④  put up with
【多选题】 ------ Why did she visit Africa?------ She went there____________________ .
①  for research work
②  to do research
③  to gather information
④  to collect information
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ——Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I’d like you and Jane to come. ——I’m not sure if she ____ free.
①  willbe;is
②  isgoingto;is
③  is;is
④  is;willbe
【单选题】 男性患者,45岁,欲择期行腹股沟斜疝修补术,一般情况尚好,BP:140/95mmHg,针对这一情况应选择的处理方法为( )
①  用降压药使血压下降至正常水平
②  可以不用降压药物
③  用降压药使血压稍有下降
④  用降压药使血压显著下降
⑤  用降压药使血压下降至略低于正常水平
【单选题】 四肢手术一般拆线的时间为( )
①  4~5天
②  6~7天
③  7~9天
④  10~12天
⑤  14天
【单选题】 关于外科感染的特点,描述错误的是( )
①  一般是指需要手术治疗的感染性疾病
②  常有明显的局部症状
③  多由几种细菌引起的混合感染
④  不会引起严重的全身性感染
⑤  包括手术并发的感染
【单选题】 金黄色葡萄球菌感染,其脓液特点是( )
①  比较稀薄、淡红色
②  脓液稠厚,有粪臭味
③  脓液稠厚,色黄无臭
④  脓液呈淡绿色,腥臭味
⑤  脓液呈暗红色,恶臭
【单选题】 关于链球菌感染的描述正确的是( )
①  脓汁呈恶臭味
②  是急性腹膜炎最主要的病菌
③  常引起痈与疖
④  可引起伪膜性肠炎
⑤  可产生溶血素及多种溶解酶使感染易于扩散
【单选题】 以下各项中不属于外科感染的是( )
①  阑尾炎
②  乳腺炎
③  肺炎双球菌肺炎
④  肺脓肿
【单选题】 下列病菌属于特异性感染病原菌的是( )
①  金黄色葡萄球菌
②  变形杆菌
③  绿脓杆菌
④  厌氧链球菌
⑤  梭状芽胞杆菌
【单选题】 急性蜂窝织炎的主要致病菌是( )
①  金黄色葡萄球菌
②  梭状芽胞杆菌
③  绿脓杆菌
④  溶血性链球菌
⑤  大肠杆菌
【单选题】 位于“危险三角”区的疖有可能引起下列疾病而危及生命的是( )
①  脓毒症
②  感染性休克
③  化脓性海绵状静脉窦炎
④  化脓性脑膜炎
⑤  深部脓肿
【单选题】 痈的主要致病菌是( )
①  金黄色葡萄球菌
②  变形杆菌
③  绿脓杆菌
④  溶血性链球菌
⑤  大肠杆菌