Dr. Park was accused ____ the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time.
of providing
with providing
to have provided
to provide
【单选题】 Dr. Park was accused _____the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was determined before the expected time.
①  of providing
②  with providing
③  to have provided
④  to provide
【单选题】 A: I have an appointment with Dr. Lee. B: [填空]
①  Please wait for a minute.
②  Are you sick?
③  Tell me about your appointment.
④  Dr. Lee didnt tell me.
【单选题】 Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brown’s office?
①  You can’t ask me
②  Pardon? I have no idea
③  Please don’t say so
④  Sorry I don’t know, but you can ask the man over there
【单选题】 The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ___ he would die of the disease.
①  that
②  which
③  of which
④  of that
【单选题】 Before the final examination, some students have shown _______ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  remarks
④  signs
【单选题】 The patient was fully ____ during the operation.
①  liberal
②  sensible
③  aware
④  conscious
【单选题】 Before the final examination, many students have shown ___ of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  signs
④  remarks
【判断题】 The patient has responded rapidly after the treatmen.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 As a teacher of elementary school, you should be patient ____ those pupils.
①  of
②  with
③  for
④  at
【多选题】 Hello, this is John. May I_________ Dr. Black?
①  talk to
②  speak to
③  speak with
④  talk with
【判断题】 增量式PID算法只需保留当前时刻及其之前两个时刻的偏差值。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 步进电动机旋转方向与内部绕组的通电顺序无关。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 数字计算机不能处理离散的数字信号。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 积分作用可以消除静态偏差。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 无序表格中,数是( )方式排列的。
①  升序
②  降序
③  先增后减
④  任意
【判断题】 绝对时钟与当地时间同步,相对时钟与当地时间无关。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 限幅滤波不属于程序判断滤波。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 离散控制系统视控制信号类型(采样脉冲序列或数字序列)的不同可分为采样控制系统和数字控制系统。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 数字滤波器能实现多通道数字滤波器资源共享,且无阻抗匹配问题。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中值滤波,就是对某一个被测参数连续采样几次,通常取奇数,如n=3或5,从小到大或从大到小排列选择中间值作为本次采样值。
①  正确
②  错误