When Sarah and I ____ on an article for the school newspaper, we found it difficult to work together.
【单选题】 The?( )?from?school?to?work?can be?difficult
①  transformation
②  transport
③  transition
④  transmission
【判断题】 Paul and I are in the same company. We goes to work together.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I found the article while I was ( ) some old magazines.
①  browsing through
②  looking into
③  staring at
④  watching out
【单选题】 When we arrived at the airport, we found our flight ________.
①  cancelled
②  had cancelled
③  had been cancelled
④  has been cancelled
【单选题】 When I read the newspaper, I always read the _____ first.
①  headlines
②  headquarters
③  heaven
④  horizon
【单选题】 When we came back, he found his bicycle ____
①  was stolen
②  had stolen
③  had been stolen
④  is stolen
【单选题】 The lecture _______ already _______when we got to the school hall.
①  has,started
②  was,started
③  had,started
【单选题】 12. When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with ____ students.
①  quite a few
②  only a few
③  few
④  a few quite
【单选题】 I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country.
①  which
②  on which
③  when
④  on that
【单选题】 The work will be finished ___________ , but I dont know when.
①  sometimes
②  some times
③  some time
④  sometime
【单选题】 ?沟固位形要求的深度一般为()
①  0.5mm
②  1.0mm
③  1.5mm
④  2.0mm
⑤  3.0mm以上
【单选题】 不符合牙体缺损修复体固位原理的是()。
①  修复体组织面与预备体表面接触越紧密固位越好
②  邻沟可增大修复体与预备体的刚性约束力
③  轴面聚合度越小固位力越大
④  修复体粘结面越光滑粘结力越强
⑤  粘结剂越厚粘结力越小
【单选题】 天然牙的亮度值一般为()
①  0~3
②  4~8
③  1~5
④  5~10
⑤  8~11
【单选题】 VitapanclassicalVacuum比色板常用于青年人的色调是()
①  A组
②  B组
③  C组
④  D组
⑤  A/B组
【单选题】 影响天然牙牙冠半透明特性的主要因素是()
①  牙釉质的分布
②  牙釉质的厚度
③  牙釉质的质量
④  以上均是
⑤  A+B
【单选题】 比色时的照明条件是()
①  正午直射阳光
②  蓝天下
③  日光灯下
④  牙椅照明灯下
⑤  自然光
【单选题】 四环素牙在VitapanclassicalVacuum比色板中属于()
①  A组
②  B组
③  C组
④  D组
⑤  A/B组
【单选题】 铸造金属全冠相对于烤瓷全冠而言,优点是()
①  材料强度更好
②  不存在崩瓷的风险
③  备牙量要求较少
④  制作相对简单,设备要求低
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 全冠修复最基本的固位形式是
①  钉洞固位形
②  沟固位形
③  洞固位形
④  鸠尾固位形
⑤  环抱固位形
【单选题】 铸造金属全冠肩台宽度通常为()
①  无肩台
②  0.5~0.8mm
③  0.8~1.5mm
④  1.5~2.0mm
⑤  都可以