His manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at ____ with him at once.
【单选题】 The young CEO lost his confidence and felt that hes an ( ).
①  deceiver
②  imposter
③  overseer
④  inferior
【单选题】 3. She was so pleased that she felt like _______.
①  to find someone to talk
②  to find some to talk to
③  finding someone to talk
④  finding someone to talk to
【单选题】 26. She was awarded the highest____ for his contribution to world peace.
①  price
②  press
③  prize
④  pride
【单选题】 No one, except his two best friends ____his joy or sorrow in his life.
①  shares
②  share
③  sharing
④  to share
【单选题】 -Johnson has promised us that he will help ?us out to his best ability. -I don’t buy it. In my opinion, ?he _______ so kind.
①  has been
②  is
③  was
④  is being
【单选题】 The audience ___ so large that no seat was left unoccupied in the great hall.
①  is
②  are
③  was
④  has
【单选题】 His early retirement left him in a ( ).
①  empty
②  vacancy
③  void
④  avoid
【单选题】 If a person _______ succeed, he must try his best.
①  will
②  is to
③  is going to
【单选题】 ____ he tried his best , he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 _______ he tried his best, he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 2018年中央一号文件提出,乡村振兴,()是关键.
①  A.产业兴旺
②  B.生态宜居
③  C.乡风文明
④  D.生活富裕
【单选题】 农产品质量安全标准应当根据()发展水平及农产品质量安全的需要,及时修订
①  A、科学技术
②  B、农业生产
③  C、生产技术
④  D、基础建设
【单选题】 以下不属于黄瓜霜霉病的药剂防治是().
①  A.烟熏法
②  B.喷粉法
③  C.高温法
④  D.喷雾法
【多选题】 花生缺素症包括()
①  A缺氮
②  B缺磷
③  C缺钾
④  D缺铁
⑤  E缺钙
【多选题】 种公羊配合饲料参考配方为()
①  A玉米60%
②  B豆粕15%
③  C玉米胚芽粕9%
④  D麸皮10%
⑤  E石粉5%
⑥  F预混粉1%
【多选题】 羊最常见的寄生虫有()
①  A肝片吸虫
②  B绦虫
③  C捻转胃虫
④  D积节虫
⑤  E鞭虫
【多选题】 昆虫头部具有主要的感觉器官如触角、复眼和单眼,还有取食的口器,所以头部是昆虫的()中心。
①  A感觉
②  B取食
③  C生殖
④  D运动
⑤  E感受
【多选题】 秸秆(如麦秸、稻草、玉米杆等)为什么不能随便烧掉?()
①  A.污染大气环境
②  B.引发火灾
③  C.焚烧秸秆形成的烟雾,影响交通和航空安全
④  D.破坏土壤,造成耕地质量下降
【多选题】 农作物秸秆是粮食作物和经济作物生产中的副产物,它含有丰富的()等微量元素,是一种可供开发与综合利用的资源。
①  A.氮
②  B.钾
③  C.铁
④  D.磷
【多选题】 以下颗粒有机物的残体不易被土壤微生物腐蚀的()。
①  A.幼嫩的草木犀
②  B.玉米秸秆
③  C.麦草
④  D.锯末