As to Grosvenor and Scott, she____ never to meet them again.
【单选题】 “If she could sew, she____ herself a shirt.”
①  would have made
②  will make
③  had made
④  made
【单选题】 She never married and she never went to school____________ .
①  either
②  also
③  too
④  neither
【单选题】 The bus is late and Julie is cold. She____ for the bus for 10 minutes.
①  waits
②  waited
③  has been waiting
④  has waited
【单选题】 20. She never sang, ____ dance.
①  or she ever did
②  or did she ever
③  nor did she ever
④  nor she ever did
【单选题】 8. ____ I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved..
①  Had
②  If
③  When
④  Unless
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 Smith never went to see his wife again,______ to apologize.
①  nor did he write
②  nor he did write
③  he did write
④  nor he wroten
【单选题】 -“When shall we meet again next week?”-“______________ day is possible. It’s no problem with me.”
①  Either
②  Neither
③  Every
④  Any
【单选题】 America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ____ before the West was settled.
①  could
②  did
③  would
④  was
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【多选题】 对货币市场监管的一般原则有
①  长期使用原则
②  协调自愿、平等互利、自主成交原则
③  短期使用的原则
④  坚持按期归还的原则
【多选题】 中央银行初创阶段特点包括:
①  早期中央银行都是从私人商业银行逐渐演变而来
②  货币发行权的逐步垄断
③  职能的逐步完善
④  金融监管和调控功能尚不具备
【多选题】 资本市场监管体制主要有三种类型
①  集中监管体制
②  自律型监管体制
③  分业型监管体制
④  中间型监管体制
【多选题】 金融市场监管的一般原则主要有( )
①  全面性原则
②  效率性原则
③  公正,公开和公平竞争原则
④  自律与监管相结合原则
【判断题】 中央银行的产生与商业银行没有关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中央银行独立性最高的两个央行是( )
①  日本
②  美国
③  德国
④  英国
【多选题】 二战后中央银行制度的特点主要表现在( )等方面.
①  国家对中央银行的控制加强
②  确立了中央银行的相对独立性
③  货币政策工具的配套运用
④  各国中央银行的国际金融合作不断加强
【判断题】 央行独立性所涵盖的职能领域仅体现在和制定与实施货币政策直接有关的职能领域。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中央银行独立性问题的必要性包括( )
①  央行需要有超越于政府之上的独立性
②  货币政策稳定性和连续性要求其具有相对独立性
③  防止货币的财政发行也要求其具有相对独立性
④  央行业务的专业性和特殊性也要求其具有相对独立性
【判断题】 中央银行在法律许可范围内,可以向政府贷款或透支
①  正确
②  错误