As to Grosvenor and Scott, she____ never to meet them again.
【单选题】 “If she could sew, she____ herself a shirt.”
①  would have made
②  will make
③  had made
④  made
【单选题】 She never married and she never went to school____________ .
①  either
②  also
③  too
④  neither
【单选题】 The bus is late and Julie is cold. She____ for the bus for 10 minutes.
①  waits
②  waited
③  has been waiting
④  has waited
【单选题】 20. She never sang, ____ dance.
①  or she ever did
②  or did she ever
③  nor did she ever
④  nor she ever did
【单选题】 8. ____ I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved..
①  Had
②  If
③  When
④  Unless
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 Smith never went to see his wife again,______ to apologize.
①  nor did he write
②  nor he did write
③  he did write
④  nor he wroten
【单选题】 -“When shall we meet again next week?”-“______________ day is possible. It’s no problem with me.”
①  Either
②  Neither
③  Every
④  Any
【单选题】 America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ____ before the West was settled.
①  could
②  did
③  would
④  was
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 汽油机装用三元催化器的目的是( )。
①  降低燃油消耗
②  降低CO、HC、NOx的排放
③  提高发动机的动力性
④  提高燃料的燃烧性
【单选题】 汽油机排气颜色为蓝色,说明( )。
①  混合气过浓或是点火时刻过迟,造成燃烧不完全
②  有机油窜入气缸燃烧室内参与燃烧
③  冷却液温度过低
④  以上都不做正确
【单选题】 二手车鉴定评估的客体是( )。
①  评估师
②  评估程序
③  二手车
④  评估方法和标准
【单选题】 下列( )不是二手车鉴定评估的主要方法。
①  预期收益法
②  现行市价法
③  收益现值法
④  价格清算法
【单选题】 同一发动机的两个机构中,曲轴与凸轮轴相比,曲轴的价格( )。
①  与凸轮轴相等
②  无法比较
③  比较低
④  比较高
【单选题】 车辆上装置ASR系统的主要目的是( )。
①  提高制动稳定性
②  提高车辆经济性
③  提高制动效能
④  提高车辆行驶的稳定性
【单选题】 汽油机正常工作时排出的气体颜色为( )
①  灰色
②  无色
③  蓝色
④  黑色
【单选题】 依照相关法规,二手车评估中为核实二手车卖方的所有权或处置权,应确认( )。
①  机动车行驶证与卖方身份证明一致
②  机动车行驶证、驾驶证与卖方身份证明一致
③  机动车登记证书、行驶证与卖方身份证明一致
④  机动车登记证书与卖方身份证明一致
【单选题】 机动车号牌是准予机动车上路行驶的 法 定标志,其号码要与( )上的号牌号码完全一致。
①  机动车行驶证
②  车架号
③  发动机编号
④  机动车驾驶证
【单选题】 下列( )不是现行市价法的特点。
①  能够较为准确反映二手车的市场情况
②  评估结果易于被各方面接受
③  必须有成熟、公开、活跃的二手车交易市场为基础
④  一般情况下,同一厂家、同一型号、同一天登记的车辆,其评估价格应该是一样的