Every year, one student in our high school wins a scholarship that ____one year of college.
【单选题】 A ( ) is a second-year student in college, which means “student with more wisdom”.
①  freshman
②  sophomore
③  junior
④  senior
【单选题】 Bob is one of the [填空] in our school.
①  foreigner
②  foreigners
③  foreigneres
④  foreigneries
【单选题】 By the time you graduate, we _____in Australia for one year.
①  will be staying
②  will have stayed
③  would have stayed
④  have stayed
【单选题】 ______ a year does your school have sports meeting?Twice a year.
①  How often
②  How soon
③  How long
④  How many times
【单选题】 Every one was ____that day.
①  in great spirit
②  in all spirit
③  in high a spirit
④  in high spirit
【单选题】 We have studied English for only one year, ____ we can perform English short play already.?
①  for ?
②  and ?
③  yet ?
④  or?
【单选题】 A new school was _____ up in the village last year.
①  held
②  set
③  sent
④  bought
【单选题】 This picture was taken at my high-school graduating ceremony on June 10th that year,_______ I still remember well as a great milestone in my life.
①  which
②  when
③  where
④  as
【单选题】 The mountain is ____ 6.3 kilometers high, but it is not the highest one.
①  nearly
②  near
③  neat
④  neatly
【单选题】 One big of formal education is the high cost.
①  advantage
②  disadvantage
③  problem
④  condition
【单选题】 下列哪一个选项不是儿童喜爱的环境( )
①  陌生的环境
②  熟悉的环境
③  舒适的环境
④  富有新意的环境
【单选题】 以下哪个选项不是直观手段( )
①  实物直观
②  思维直观
③  动作直观
④  模具直观
【单选题】 《 》主张由国家对男女儿童进行公共教育。
①  《伦理学》
②  《政治学》
③  《理想国》
④  《法律篇》
【单选题】 鉴于学前教育的特殊性和目前学前教育发展的复杂情况,有必要建立一个强有力的( )或协调机构,认真研究和管理学前教育
①  组织
②  培训
③  教育
④  领导
【单选题】 下面哪个选项不是学前儿童道德情感的特点( )
①  模仿性
②  开放性
③  外露性
④  不稳定性
【单选题】 对刚入园的儿童来说,教师的拥抱可以缓解焦虑的情绪,说明幼儿园环境有( )
①  调节作用
②  启迪作用
③  激励作用
④  制约作用
【单选题】 哪项内容不是培养观察能力的途径( )
①  要培养良好的观察个性
②  要帮助儿童进行观察
③  要有强烈的观察动机
④  要深入关心学前儿童
【单选题】 “近朱者赤,近墨者黑”,孟母三迁的故事说明( )对儿童的影响
①  精神环境
②  天然环境
③  人工环境
④  物质环境
【单选题】 ( )是最传统的联系方式,可以深入了解儿童在家的表现
①  书面联系
②  家庭访问
③  个别谈话与家长咨询
④  家长会
【单选题】 长仿宋字的特点是:()、()、()、()。
①  便于辨认、笔画圆润、结构清晰、粗细不等
②  笔画挺直、粗细一致、 结构匀称、 便于书写