The ____ problem of bring a spaceship back from the moon has been solved.
【单选题】 The _____problem of bringing a spaceship back from the moon has been solved.
①  technical
②  technological
③  technique
④  technology
【单选题】 The new technology has been ( ) in the industrial production.
①  utilized
②  possessed
③  elevated
④  focused
【单选题】 Is _____ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?
①  now
②  man
③  that
④  it
【单选题】 This technology has been ?around for a long time, but not until recent years _______ it in marketing.
①  businesses employed
②  did businesses employ
③  businesses had employed?
④  had businesses employed
【单选题】 Its ( ) that he has been away from home.
①  evident
②  important
③  genuine
④  alternative
【单选题】 We solved the problem by using a computer rather than ____ it all by hand.
①  to do
②  do
③  does
④  having done
【单选题】 [] has been made clear to all of us, none of you are to come late to class from today on.
①  It
②  As
③  What
④  Which
【单选题】 Did you bring your ( ) from high school?
①  transcription
②  transctiptionist
③  transcipt
④  report
【单选题】 The computer has brought about surprising technological changes ____ we organize and produce information.
①  in a way
②  in the way
③  in that way
④  in no way
【单选题】 He has been there, [填空]?
①  hasnt he
②  has he
③  does he
④  doesnt he
【多选题】 通常使用的爆破方法中,()一般多用延长药包。
①  A.低爆破法
②  B.深孔爆破法
③  C.浅孔爆破法
④  D.洞室爆破法
⑤  E.预裂爆破法
【多选题】 水工混凝土配合比设计参数包括()等。
①  A.水灰比
②  B.水砂比
③  C.水石比
④  D.砂率
⑤  E.浆骨比
【多选题】 根据《大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置条例》,移民安置工作的管理体制包括()
①  A.政府领导
②  B.分级负责
③  C.县为基础
④  D.项目法人实施
⑤  E.施工单位参与
【多选题】 根据《建设工程施工合同》的规定,关于工程款(进度款)的叙述,正确的是().
①  A.在确认计量结果14天内,发包人应向承包人支付工程款(进度款)
②  B.按约定时间发包人应扣回的预付款,与工程款(进度款)同期结算
③  C.发包人超过约定的支付时间不支付工程款,承包人可向发包人发出要求付款的通知,发包人收到承包人通知后仍不能按要求付款,可与承包人协商签订延期付款协议,经承包人同意后可延期支付
④  D.发包人不按合同约定支付工程款,双方又未达成延期付款协议,导致施工无法进行的,应由承包人承担违约责任
【多选题】 混凝土坝施工质量检查和监测的方法包括().
①  A.物理监测
②  B.钻孔压水
③  C.大块取样
④  D.原型观测
【判断题】 季风的影响是导致降水时空分配不匀的主要原因
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国水旱灾害频繁,是世界上洪涝灾害最为严重地国家之一
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 水闸主轴线放样,就是在施工现场标定主轴线交点位置
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 雨水泵站水泵类型一般采用轴流泵,这是因为雨水泵站具有流量大扬程小的特点。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 化工生产中常见的几种离心泵是水泵、杂质泵、气泵。
①  正确
②  错误