The truck driver was fined for exceeding the speed ____.
【单选题】 6. Our discussion ____ a wide range of subjects.
①  conveyed
②  concluded
③  covered
④  filled
【单选题】 The bus was____ the driver.
①  in charge of
②  in the charge of
③  take charge of
④  free of charge
【单选题】 Computer software _____ some 70 percent of our range of products.
①  picks up
②  focuses on
③  accounts for
④  is based on
【单选题】 Turn-down service ( ) a rule of Star hotel Ranking Standard.
①  is regarded as
②  considered as
③  is thought
④  is famous as
【单选题】 His salary as a driver is much higher than ______.
①  a porter
②  is a porter
③  that of a porter
④  as a porter
【单选题】 12. ____ you return the dictionary to the library immediately, you will be fined.
①  If
②  Until
③  Provided
④  Unless
【判断题】 Mark often attempts to excape to be fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Under democracy one party always ________ its chief energies to trying to prove that the other parties are unfit to rule
①  devotes
②  dedicates
③  turns
④  diverts
【单选题】 5.The driver coming in the opposite direction _______ to avoid the cow crossing the road.
①  turned
②  swerved
③  lunged
④  scrambled
【单选题】 The taxi driver _______ at me in the rear-view mirror when I got on the car.
①  smile
②  laughed
③  grinned
④  stared
【判断题】 Tempdb数据库是系统自动生成的临时数据库,用于保存临时对象或中间结果集。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Sno) FROM SC 语句用于统计学生的总人数。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 当基本表中的数据发生变化时,从视图中查询出的数据并不随之变化。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Good + morning的结果为:Good morning。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列属于SQL Server 2008最核心服务的是( )。
①  数据库引擎服务
②  SQL Server Management Studio
③  SQL Server配置管理器
④  SQL Server 管理工具
【单选题】 设某学生表中有用于存放学生编号的列,下列类型中最适合的是( )。
①  int
②  date
③  tinyint
④  char
【判断题】 逻辑文件名是在所有SQL语句中引用物理文件时所使用的名称。物理文件名包括存储文件的路径以及物理文件名本身。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 SSMS工具提供了图形化的操作界面来创建和维护对象,下拉列表框列出了当前查询编辑器所连接的数据库服务器上的所有数据库,表示当前正在操作的数据库是master。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 SQL Server中的索引一般采用B树结构。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 decimal(p,s)数据类型属于字符型。
①  正确
②  错误