_____ that we couldn’ t catch up with him.
So fast he ran
So fast did he run
So fast ran he
Such fast did he run
【单选题】 He is so shy that he ____ speaks in the public.
①  often
②  frequently
③  seldom
④  sometimes
【单选题】 06. He spoke so quickly that I didn t _________ what he said.
①  makefor
②  makesure
③  makeover
④  makeout
【单选题】 He didn’t ______ to cause so much unhappiness.
①  extend
②  attend
③  intend
④  tend
【单选题】 George is so ____ in debt that he is afraid to show up in the pub in case he meets his six creditors.
①  involved
②  concentrated
③  devoted
④  concerned
【单选题】 He’s got an assignment in Tokyo, so he _______work abroad.
①  is going to
②  wants
③  would like to
【单选题】 Little ___ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.
①  he realized
②  ?he didn’t realize
③  ?didn’t he realize
④  ?did he realize
【单选题】 He is a teacher and so [填空] his wife.
①  does
②  is
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.4. What did the biggest of the group mean by shaking his head?
①  He did not want to say anything about what Robert had done.B. He had not thought Robert could play so wonderfully.C. He did not want to make friends with Robert.D. He did not think Robert played basketball well.
②  He had not thought Robert could play so wonderfully.
③  He did not want to make friends with Robert..
④  He did not think Robert played basketball well.
【单选题】 He regretted ____ the decision so hastily.?
①  make ?
②  making ?
③  to make ?
④  have made?
【单选题】 He is so kind and easy-going that the kids go _______ him in a big way.
①  for
②  to
③  with
④  off
【单选题】 会计科目按其所( )不同分为总分类科目和明细分类科目
①  反映的会计对象
②  归属的会计要素
③  提供信息的详细程度及其统驭关系
④  反映的经济业务
【单选题】 下列各账户中,期末可能有余额在借方的是( )。
①  管理费用
②  生产成本
③  财务费用
④  销售费用
【单选题】 在借贷记账法中,账户哪方记增加数,哪方记减少数是由( )决定的。
①  账户的结构
②  账户的内容
③  账户的用途
④  账户的性质
【单选题】 下列各项中,体现会计科目与会计账户关系的是( )。
①  会计要素的名称
②  报表的项目
③  账簿的名称
④  账户的名称
【单选题】 下面有关借贷记账法的说法错误的是( )
①  “借”和“贷”仅仅是记账符号
②  借贷记账法是一种复式记账法
③  “借”表示增加,“贷”表示减少
④  最初“借方”记录放贷业务,“贷方”记录存款业务
【多选题】 在“原材料——原料及主要材料——木材”科目中,“原材料”称为( )
①  总分类科目
②  明细分类科目
③  一级科目
④  二级科目
【多选题】 下列会计等式中正确的是( )
①  资产=权益
②  资产=负债+所有者权益
③  资产=债权人权益+所有者权益
④  资产+费用=负债+所有者权益+收入
【多选题】 按权责发生制原则要求,下列收入或费用应归属本期的是( )。
①  对方暂欠的本期销售产品的收入
②  预付明年的保险费
③  本月收回的上月销售产品的货款
④  尚未支付的本月借款利息
⑤  摊销以前已付款的报刊杂志费
【多选题】 必须采用订本式账簿的是( )。
①  现金日记账
②  固定资产明细账
③  银行存款日记账
④  管理费用总账
⑤  原材料明细账
【多选题】 企业期末估计银行借款利息费用,应涉及的会计科目为( )。
①  借记“财务费用”科目
②  贷记“财务费用”科目
③  借记“应付利息”科目
④  贷记“应付利息”科目
⑤  贷记“银行存款”科目