A ____ language is one which is still spoken by people in the course of their everyday lives.
【多选题】 A: Is your grandmother still alive?B:_________
①  She is die.
②  She is dead.
③  She has passed away.
④  She died five years ago.
【单选题】 Air pollution __________ , this city is still a good place to live in.
①  being greatly reduced
②  greatly being reduced
③  to greatly reduce
④  greatly to reduce
【单选题】 This is a river closely ___________ to the lives of the people of the city.
①  joined
②  exposed
③  affected
④  related
【单选题】 Of these two old people the former has died and the [] is alive and healthy.
①  later
②  latter
【单选题】 _____ people there are in a city, _____ I want to live there.
①  More; more
②  The more; the less
③  The more; the most
④  The more; the least
【单选题】 As for words which do not often occur in everyday situation, you just need to be able to ____.
①  recognize them
②  nod at them
③  concentrate much on them
④  practice using them constantly
【单选题】 Many people dream ___________ living on an island in the South Sea.
①  of
②  in
③  over
④  beyond
【单选题】 They live in a house whose door[填空]which opens to the south.
①  for
②  of
③  in
④  with
【单选题】 The lives of many people have been enriched_________ adult education.
①  because
②  because of
③  as a result
④  so that
【多选题】 The lives of many people have been enriched_________ adult education.
①  because
②  because of
③  due to
④  owing to
【判断题】 6.物质活动或物质化活动阶段是智力活动的准备阶段。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 3.布鲁纳提出认知结构学习理论。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 3.马斯洛的动机理论中认为学习的根本目的是什么?
①  认识自我
②  自我实现
③  满足认同感
④  人类的基本动机
【单选题】 6.动作技能形成的标志。
①  熟练操作
②  灵活
③  协调
④  准确
【单选题】 4.“地球是圆形的”,“月亮能发光”属于什么概念?
①  科学概念
②  初级概念
③  C日常概念
④  具体概念
【判断题】 5.头脑风暴法是由奥斯本提出的培养创造性的一种重要方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 1.小学儿童教育心理学的研究原则有1.客观性原则、2.主观性原则、3.系统性原则、4.理论联系实际的原则。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 3.桑代克提出“学习及联结,心即人的联结系统”。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 2.抽象思维的发展建立在概念形成的基础上。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 2.组织是一种重要的意义记忆策略。
①  正确
②  错误