Unless all the members agree to ____ to the plan there may be further development in the course of action.
【单选题】 We will be losing money this year unless new economic plan of yours _____miracle
①  is working
②  works
③  will be working
④  worked
【单选题】 We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours ____ miracle.
①  is working
②  works
③  will be working
④  worked
【单选题】 It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an _____plan.
①  bright
②  clever
③  brilliant
④  ingenious
【单选题】 3. Nothing could_____him to such a course of action.
①  try
②  laugh
③  join
④  tempt
【单选题】 With the rapid development of the economy, all ( ) of our life have changed.
①  filed
②  fileds
③  aspect
④  aspects
【单选题】 Most people come to realize that it is about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 Housekeeping, may I come in? what is the meaning of the word “housekeeping”?
①  夜床服务
②  洗衣服务
③  送餐服务
④  客房服务
【单选题】 The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT ______.
①  mystery of the universe
②  sin of the whale
③  power of the Great Nature
④  evil of the world
【单选题】 Room Service. May I come in? what is the meaning of the phrase “room service”?
①  洗衣服务
②  客房清洁服务
③  送餐服务
④  客房服务
【单选题】 10. After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusions that the man was_________ of murder.
①  criminal
②  charged
③  guilty
④  faulty
【多选题】 根据面试的实施方式,面试可分为()。
①  单独面试
②  系列式面试
③  小组面试
④  标准化面试
【简答题】 阐述工作分析的地位和作用。
【简答题】 工作分析小组主要包括哪些成员
【简答题】 临界特质分析系统认为,人的特质可以分为能力和[填空1]两类。
【简答题】 MPDQ信息输入板块的决策职能可为[填空1]和[填空2]提供依据
【简答题】 团队至少应该具有三个属性:有多人组成、工作相互关联和[填空1]。
【判断题】 工作日志法搜集工作信息要连续填写10日以上。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 一般来说,工作分析的信息内容包括( )两大部分。
①  执行标准
②  工作描述
③  任职资格
④  工作族
【简答题】 简述学习环境的特征。
【简答题】 劳动行政部门对用人单位哪些侵害劳动者合法权益情形有权责令支付劳动者的工资报酬、经济补偿,并可以责令支付赔偿金?