The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走)quietly to the bird. _____ into the forest when he was about to catch it.
Flew it away
Away flew it
Away it flew
Flew away it
【单选题】 Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ____ when she was trying to go to sleep.
①  sounding
②  ringing
③  ticking
④  humming
【单选题】 The soldier was _____ of running away when the enemy attacked.
①  scolded
②  charged
③  accused
④  punished
【单选题】 How can you keep the machine ()when you are away?
①  run
②  to run
③  running
④  being run
【单选题】 Its ( ) that he has been away from home.
①  evident
②  important
③  genuine
④  alternative
【判断题】 A: How is your father? B: He has passed away. A: Really?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 12. When you are _____ with the book, please don’t throw it away.
①  finishing
②  . familiar
③  through
④  . similar
【单选题】 I’ ll be____ the whole factory next week when the director’ s away.
①  charge
②  in the charge of
③  in charge of
④  take charge of
【单选题】 The man told me that by the end of the week he _______ away from his hometown for 20 years.
①  has been
②  will have been
③  is to be
④  would have been
【单选题】 She ________ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【单选题】 She ___ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【判断题】 晕车:按头部原始点可立即改善。若如还呕吐,就按推背部相对应的原始点;如备有温敷器具,效果更好
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 所有的原始点大多位在骨旁之筋,找到原始痛点后,按推力道之轻重,应以患者能承受为宜,但又不能太轻,否则效果不佳
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 社会医疗保险制度是指其筹资主要由雇员、雇主按工资的一定比例共同缴纳,由政府或非政府性社会公共机构统一管理。其主要特征是资金社会统筹、服务市场调节,公共筹资向私人机构购买服务,由市场需求调节服务供给
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 疑似输液、输血、注射、药物引起不良后果的,医院应及时对现场实物进行封存,并将封存的病史及实物保存在医院。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对发生医疗事故的有关医务人员,除依照相应条款处罚外,卫生行政部门并可以责令暂停6个月以上1年以下执业活动;情节严重的,吊销其执业证书。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 当事人自知道或者应当知道其身体健康受到损害之日起2年内,可以向卫生行政部门提出医疗事故争议处理申请。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 医疗事故争议经医患双方当事人自行协商解决的,医疗机构不需要将有关情況报告当地卫生行政部门。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 有关胎儿死亡的医疗事故技术鉴定,被鉴定的主体是孕产妇和胎儿。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 刚练完瑜伽毛孔处于打开状态,马上洗澡寒气湿气会进入体内,不利于健康,而热水会使血液循环加快,头部易导致供血不足,引起头晕,所以最好换上干衣服,隔半小时后身体处于常温状态再洗澡
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 建立HIAP的需要和优先地位应包括5个方面:
①  正确
②  错误