It’s no good ____ him. He is always indifferent towards others’ matters.
to turn to
turning to
turn to
turned to
【单选题】 He did me a _____turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【单选题】 He did me a ____ turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【单选题】 33.---Is Bill on duty today ? ---It ___be him.It is my turn.
①  maynot
②  won`t
③  mustn`t
④  can`t
【单选题】 If it were not for the fact that he was a millionaire, she ____ him.
①  might never marry
②  will never marry
③  would never have married
④  would never marry
【单选题】 _____ that it was going to rain, he took a raincoat with him.
①  Seeing
②  Saw
③  Seen
④  To see
【单选题】 He said that everyone should turn their backs _____ a craving for fame and prestige.
①  for
②  down
③  up
④  on
【单选题】 —It’s raining so heavily outside. I’m terribly anxious about my son’s safety. — .A. Well. He is a good boy.B. Yes, it is. It will rain tomorrow.C. Don’t worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.2. —Do you have much experience with caring for babies?
①  Well. He is a good boy.
②  Yes, it is. It will rain tomorrow.
③  Don’t worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.
【单选题】 After ____ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to step into the doctor’s office.
①  it
②  that
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 He left in such a hurry that I _______ had time to thank him.
①  almost
②  even
③  hardly
④  nearly
【单选题】 This shirt is___for him. He needs to get a bigger one.
①  enough big
②  not enough big
③  not big enough
【单选题】 下列选项中,符合急性呼吸窘迫综合征诊断标准的是
①  PO2/FiO2≤200 mmHg,PCWP≤18 mmHg
②  PO2/FiO2≤300 mmHg,PCWP≤18 mmHg
③  PO2/FiO2≤200 mmHg,PCWP≥18 mmHg
④  PO2/FiO2≤300 mmHg,PCWP≥18 mmHg
【单选题】 血液滤过的原理是
①  对流
②  吸附
③  反超
④  弥散
【单选题】 对ARDS的诊断和病情判断有重要意义的检查的是
①  血气分析
②  CT
③  血流动力学监测
④  X线片
⑤  24小时尿流动力学监测
【单选题】 空气栓塞的临床表现不包括
①  轻者不出现阵发性剧咳、气急、胸闷
②  严重者有气喘、呼吸困难
③  心跳正常
④  胸部有压迫感
【单选题】 下列哪个不是有机磷中毒时的毒蕈碱样表现
①  恶心、呕吐和腹痛、腹消
②  多汗
③  肌肉颤动
④  瞳孔缩小
【单选题】 女性,42岁,因“急性重症胰腺炎”入院。2天来经保守治疗,发热及腹痛略好转,但逐渐出现呼吸困难,予面罩吸氧(氧流量6L/min)后血气分析显示:pH7.52,PCO2 24 mmHg,PO2 63 mmHg,针对该患者呼吸困难的原因,应首选的治疗措施是
①  加强抗厌氧菌治疗
②  皮下注射低分子肝素
③  静脉推注糖皮质激素
④  无创通气
⑤  控制入量,防治心衰发生
【单选题】 患者,女性,32岁、因感染性休克人院。护土在观察病情时,下列症状提示其发生急性呼吸窘迫综合征的可能的是
①  动脉氧分压下降
②  肿部湿啰音
③  躁动不安
④  呼吸音诚辑
⑤  呼吸困难迅速加重
【单选题】 患者,男性,65岁。心脏瓣膜置换术后并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征,需使用呼吸机治疗,患者家庭经济负担大,其家属很担心费用问题,询问护上是否可以不使用呼吸机,护士最佳的做法是
①  强调使用呼吸机的重要性
②  告知使用呼吸机的费用
③  让直接去问医生
④  告诉其若放弃治疗则后果自负
【单选题】 永久性深静脉置管部位多选
①  左颈内静脉
②  右颈内静脉
③  左锁骨下静脉
④  右销骨下静脉
【单选题】 谢女士,28岁,第一胎,重度妊高征,目前应用硫酸镁解痉治疗,护士告知孕妇,若出现硫酸镁中毒时,最早出现的现象是( )
①  呼吸<16次/分
②  尿量 <600㏕/24h
③  膝反射 消失
④  呼吸困难
⑤  心跳骤停