He doesn’ t spend much time____ his homework.
to do
【单选题】 In order to prepare a lecture, one must do a lot of research and spend plenty of time____ his material so that his speech is clear and easy to follow.
①  organizing
②  managing
③  operating
④  breeding
【单选题】 He will surely finish the job on time _______ he is left to do it in his own way.
①  in that
②  in case
③  as far as
④  so long as
【判断题】 She doesn’t do her work on weekdays, does she?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 _______ the look on his face, he doesn’t t quite understand what the speaker is saying.
①  Judge by
②  Judging by
③  To judge by
④  To be judged by
【单选题】 Isn’t it about the time you __________ to do morning exercises?
①  began
②  begin
③  should begin
④  have begun
【单选题】 Sandy could do nothing but _______ to his teacher that he was wrong.
①  admit
②  admitted
③  admitting
④  to admit
【单选题】 The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.
①  the
②  his
③  some
④  us
【单选题】 —The red dress fits me very much, doesn’t it?— .
①  Yes, it does.
②  You looks very beautiful.
③  It is a little tight.
④  wonderful
【单选题】 He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ____.?
①  repaired ?
②  to repair ?
③  repairing ?
④  repair?
【单选题】 —Do you have much experience with caring for babies?— .
①  Yes, I do. I am responsible, loving, warm girl, and often take care of kids in my free time.
②  No, you are freshmen. You should work hard.
③  Yes, they are. They are very cute.
【多选题】 在参加体检时被测量者不应穿着()鞋
①  A运动鞋
②  B凉鞋
③  C钉鞋
④  D皮鞋
【单选题】 教师在体育与健康学习评价中起().
①  A.重要作用
②  B.主要作用
③  C.特殊作用
④  D.一般作用
【单选题】 体育与健康课程规范包括前言、()课程内容、实施建议四部分内容.
①  A.课程目标
②  B.课程理念
③  C.课程思想
④  D.课程结构
【单选题】 教育行动研究的主体是()。
①  A.专职的科研人员
②  B.教师
③  C.科研群体研究者和个体研究者
④  D.学生
【单选题】 新中国高度重视发展体育事业,提出的指导方针是()。
①  A.“发展体育运动,扩大国际交流”
②  B.“发展体育运动,增强人民体质”
③  C.“积极参与比赛,增强人民体质”
④  D.“友谊第一,比赛第二”
【单选题】 国家发展体育专业教育,建立各类(),培养各方面的体育专门人员。
①  A.体育专业院校
②  B.体育学院
③  C.体育专业系、科
④  D. 体育专业院校、系、科
【单选题】 现代护理发展经历了()。
①  A.以疾病为中心,以病人为中心,以人的健康为中心的阶段
②  B.以病人为中心,以疾病为中心,以人的健康为中心的阶段
③  C. 以病人为中心,以人的健康为中心,以疾病为中心的阶段
④  D.以人的健康为中心,以疾病为中心,以病人为中心的阶段
【单选题】 健康的三维观到四维观除了身体、心理、社会适应能力增加了()
①  A道德上的完满状态
②  B专业知识的掌握
③  C交际能力的扩展
④  D人文精神的塑造
【单选题】 体育的英文缩写为()
①  ALF
②  BPE
③  CPD
④  DFE
【判断题】 在接力跑中,每个接棒人都应沿跑道的内侧跑进.
①  正确
②  错误