A(n)____ person is one who has much knowledge and the ability to use it well.
【单选题】 A ____ person is one who is easily hurt or offended by things that people do or say.
①  sensitive
②  sensible
③  smar
④  wise
【单选题】 A ____ is a person who ____ _____.
①  crime; commit; criminal
②  commit; criminal; crimes
③  commit; crimes; criminal
④  criminal; commits; crimes
【判断题】 She’s much intelligent than me.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It was a(n) _______ achievement ― no one has ever won the championship five times before.
①  single
②  unique
③  only
④  sole
【单选题】 There will be [填空] only one person in the exam.
①  a
②  an
③  the
【单选题】 Tom is one of the people who ______ they are now.
①  from
②  like
③  with
④  as
【单选题】 ______ is Edwin Arlington Robinson’s best character sketch telling the story of the well-educated and rich hero who is admired by the town people but suddenly shot himself on one night.
①  “MiniverCheevy”
②  “Richard Cory”
③  “The House on the Hill”
④  None of the above
【单选题】 My father is so deaf that he has to use a hearing ____.
①  help
②  aid
③  support
④  tool
【单选题】 Our master, who is an experienced teacher, is expert in ( ) students to seek knowledge themselves.
①  discouraging
②  criticizing
③  motivating
④  forcing
【单选题】 ____ you know, David has been well lately.
①  Which
②  As
③  What
④  When
【单选题】 孙女士,36岁。主诉心悸1个月余,既往无类似病史。查体:脉率98次/分,心率120次/分。此种脉率少于心率的现象称为
①  水冲脉
②  交替脉
③  脱落脉
④  奇脉
⑤  脉搏短绌
【单选题】 张先生,38岁,昨日起排出混浊不清尿液,经尿镜检查: 白细胞满视野,并有少许白细胞管型和大量上皮细胞, 应考虑
①  急性肾炎
②  慢性肾炎
③  急性肾盂肾炎
④  肾脏肿瘤
⑤  泌尿道结石
【单选题】 下列检查需留取24小时尿的是
①  尿蛋白定性
②  尿糖定性
③  尿蛋白定量
④  尿胆原检查
⑤  尿胆红素检查
【单选题】 下列哪项不是湿啰音的听诊特点
①  呼吸音以外的附加音
②  吸气末最明显
③  性质较易改变
④  部位比较恒定
⑤  咳嗽后可减弱或消失
【单选题】 心源性呼吸困难的病人应采取的体位是
①  头高脚低位
②  头低脚高位
③  半卧位
④  仰卧中凹位
⑤  膝胸卧位
【单选题】 关于静脉采取的叙述,下列错误的是
①  常选用肘部静脉采血
②  采血技术熟练,要求一针见血
③  止血带压迫时间不宜超过5分钟
④  穿刺不顺利容易引起溶血
⑤  禁止在输液同侧手臂采血
【单选题】 有关粪便标本采集,下列错误的是
①  留取少许新鲜大便
②  勿混外界杂质和尿液
③  置于不吸水的小盒或小瓶
④  采取有脓血的部分
⑤  查阿米巴原虫应预先留置
【单选题】 吴女士,20岁,幼时有肠套叠手术史,现恶心、呕吐伴腹痛三天,呕吐物带有粪臭味。目前最主要的护理诊断是
①  舒适的改变:恶心与呕吐:与急性胃炎等有关
②  体液不足/有体液不足的危险:与呕吐引起液体丧失及摄入量有关
③  营养失调:低于机体需要量 与长期频繁呕吐和摄入不足有关
④  有误吸的危险:与呕吐物误吸入肺部有关
⑤  疼痛:与肠梗阻有关
【单选题】 提示肾脏出现实质性病变的指标是
①  红细胞
②  白细胞
③  病理管型
④  鳞状上皮细胞
⑤  移行上皮细胞
【单选题】 患者心电图显示:P-R间期逐渐延长,R-R间期逐渐缩短,直到P波后QRS波群脱落,QRS波群形态正常,长的P-P间期短于两个短P-P间期之和,诊断为
①  一度房室传导阻滞
②  二度I型房室传导阻滞
③  二度Ⅱ型房室传导阻滞
④  高度房室传导阻滞
⑤  室内传导阻滞