The new cut in interest rate ____ promote domestic investment.
means to
directs toward
is meant to
leads to
【单选题】 The new cut in interest rate _____promote domestic investment.
①  means to
②  directs toward
③  is meant to
④  leads to
【单选题】 A survey was carried out on the death rate of new born babies in that region,________were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 17. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ____were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 The young people are _____ of their responsibility toward society.
①  consistent
②  conscious
③  sensitive
④  sensual
【单选题】 The staircase leads[填空]the balcony.
①  of
②  in
③  /
④  to
【单选题】 In the first sentence, “by no means” means ____.
①  without method
②  not at all
③  absolutely
④  above all
【单选题】 We tried to ____ what he meant.
①  make for
②  make out
③  make of
④  make from
【单选题】 We will comprehensively promote () education.
①  high
②  enormous
③  religious
④  well-rounded
【单选题】 Many a man______ the interest novel.
①  are read
②  is read
③  have read
④  has read
【单选题】 Nothing in my life has meant ____ to me as his praise.
①  asmuch
②  more
③  thatmuch
④  asgood
【单选题】 胰岛素的适应症有
①  重症糖尿病(2型)
②  口服降糖药无效的非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病
③  糖尿病合并酮症酸中毒
④  糖尿病合并感染
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 糖皮质激素治疗过敏性支气管哮喘的主要作用机制是
①  抑制抗原-抗体反应引起的组织损害和炎症过程
②  干扰补体参与免疫反应
③  抑制人体内抗体的生成
④  使细胞内cAMP含量明显升高
⑤  直接扩张支气管平滑肌
【单选题】 阿卡波糖的降糖作用机制是
①  与胰岛β细胞受体结合,促进胰岛素释放
②  提高靶细胞膜上胰岛素受体数目和亲和力
③  抑制胰高血糖素分泌
④  在小肠上皮处竞争抑制碳水化合物水解酶使葡萄糖生成速度减慢,血糖峰值降低
⑤  促进组织摄取葡萄糖,使血糖水平下降
【单选题】 有关糖皮质激素的叙述正确的是
①  小剂量抑制体液免疫,大剂量抑制细胞免疫
②  可直接中和细菌内毒素和细菌外毒素
③  抑制胃酸分泌,促进胃粘液分泌
④  能兴奋中枢,出现欣快,激动等,甚至可诱发精神病
⑤  能明显增加血液中性粒细胞数,增强其游走吞噬功能
【单选题】 双胍类药物的特点,不正确的是
①  不会降低正常的血糖
②  抑制胰高血糖素的分泌
③  促进组织摄取葡萄糖
④  不与蛋白结合,不被代谢,尿中排出
⑤  提高靶组织对胰岛素的敏感性
【单选题】 丙硫氧嘧啶治疗甲亢的严重不良反应是
①  瘙痒
②  药疹
③  粒细胞缺乏
④  关节痛
⑤  咽痛、喉水肿
【单选题】 长期大量应用糖皮质激素可引起哪些不良反应
①  高血钾
②  低血压
③  低血糖
④  高血钙
⑤  水钠潴留
【单选题】 糖皮质激素抗毒作用的机制是
①  提高机体对细菌内毒素的耐受力
②  中和细菌内毒素
③  中和细菌外毒素
④  稳定溶酶体膜
⑤  直接对抗毒素对机体的损害
【单选题】 胰岛素对糖代谢的影响主要是
①  抑制葡萄糖的转运,减少组织的摄取
②  抑制葡萄糖的氧化分解
③  增加糖原的合成和贮存
④  促进糖原分解和异生
⑤  抑制葡萄糖排泄
【单选题】 可造成乳酸血症的降血糖药是
①  胰岛素
②  氯磺丙脲
③  甲苯磺丁脲
④  格列本脲
⑤  苯乙福明