Tom used to get up late, _____ he?
shouldn’ t
didn’ t
【单选题】 Did you get used to [填空]emails?
①  writing
②  wrote
③  write
④  written
【单选题】 He should get used by now ____ Chinese food.?
①  to eating ?
②  to eat ?
③  for eating ?
④  eatin?
【单选题】 The manager______ at 8:30 am for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.
①  ought to arrive
②  should have arrived
③  should arrive
④  was supposed to arrived
【单选题】 Peter’s mother kept telling him that he should give up smoking, but _____ didn’t help.
①  he
②  which
③  she
④  it
【单选题】 1.The movie star ______ with your sister, didn’t he?
①  was used to dance
②  used to dancing
③  used to dance
④  was used to dancing
【单选题】 When he was 65,he[填空] that he didn’t want to stop
①  decided
②  decides
③  will decide
④  is deciding
【单选题】 He didn’t pass the final examination. He ______ it.
①  must have prepared for
②  ought to prepare
③  ought to have prepared for
④  ought to prepare to
【单选题】 12. We didn’t catch the train _______ we left late.
①  so
②  because
③  but
④  though
【单选题】 He used to in a small village, but now he has been used to in the big city.
①  live, living
②  live, live
③  living, living
④  living, live.
【单选题】 “Uncle Li used to live in the town, ____ he?”
①  weren’t
②  didn’t
③  wouldn’t
④  hadn’t
【判断题】 低合金钢比碳素结构钢更适合于高层及大跨度结构。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 同一种材料,若其表观密度与密度差值越大,则其密实度越大
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 石灰和石膏在硬化过程中体积收缩。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 材料在使用过程中抵抗各种环境因素的长期作用,并保持其原有性能而不破坏、不变质的能力称之为耐久性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 时效敏感性越大的钢材,经过时效以后,其冲击韧性和塑性的提高愈显著。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 为了消除“欠火石灰”的危害,石灰消化后要“陈伏”两个星期。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 岩石的真实密度是指在规定条件下岩石矿质单位体积的质量。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对于同种岩石,一般其饱水率大于其吸水率。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 钢材冷加工的方法有退火、正火、淬火和回火。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 水泥凝结硬化过程中,体积变化是否均匀适当的性质称为体积安定性。
①  正确
②  错误