A large part of a person’s memory is ____ words and combination of words.
by means of
in terms of
in connection with
by way of
【单选题】 A large part of a person’s memory is _____words and combination of words.
①  by means of
②  in terms of
③  in connection with
④  by way of
【单选题】 In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words.
①  A.在那些日子里,我以不理解的方式学拼写,竟也拼出了许多词。
②  B.从此以后,我就这样学着拼写,虽然并不理解意思,却也拼出了许多词。
③  C.在那些日子里,我就这样学着拼写,虽然并不理解意思,却也拼出了许多词。
④  D.从此以后,我以不理解的方式学着拼写,竟也拼出了许多词。
【单选题】 In the author’s opinion, if you cannot memorize all the new words you are learning, it is because _____.
①  you are forgetful
②  you are not working hard enough
③  you are not interested in memorizing English words
④  you are trying to memorize too many new words at a time
【单选题】 Her mother’ s words of love and help____ the sobbing child.
①  comforted
②  encouraged
③  excited
④  eased
【单选题】 ________ words in the English language refer to words of Anglo-Saxon origin.
①  Loan
②  Content
③  Function
④  Native
【判断题】 Proper names, key words in titles, and the first words of sentences should be captialized.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 In a/an _______, words are grouped according to meaning. For example, all words that are related to the emotions.
①  thesaurus
②  dictionary
③  grammar book
④  article on morphology
【单选题】 The essential difference between grammar and lexicology is that the former deals with_______of words and the latter with _______ of words.
①  meanings; forms and structures
②  forms and structures; meanings
③  forms; structures and meanings
④  meanings and forms; structures
【判断题】 阅读课文II.How to Improve Memory,判读正误4. You can watch TV and memorize new words at the same time.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Explicit method of learning words includes guessing words form the context and using flexible reading strategies.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 股静脉穿刺前不必评估的项目为()
①  凝血功能
②  股动脉搏动情况
③  签署知情同意
④  病人的意识状态是否清醒
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 三腔管用于门脉高压病人胃底、食管静脉破裂压迫止血时,放置时间一般不超过()
①  1~2天
②  3~4天
③  2~3天
④  6天
⑤  3~5天
【单选题】 患者,男性50岁,3个月前发生上消化道出血,经检查,证实为食道静脉曲张,二天前再次出现,呕血,黑便,来院急诊,过去有乙肝病史20余年,此病人诊断为门脉高压,紧急处理不妥的是()
①  应用止血剂
②  三腔二囊管压迫止血
③  静滴重体后叶素
④  口服肠道抗生素
⑤  口服冰盐水
【单选题】 患者,男性50岁,3个月前发生上消化道出血,经检查,证实为食道静脉曲张,二天前再次出现,呕血,黑便,来院急诊,过去有乙肝病史20余年,此病人诊断为门脉高压,使用三腔二囊管时,可能发生的并发症是()
①  胃底,食道粘膜糜烂
②  心跳骤停
③  堵塞咽喉和窒息
④  吸入性肺炎和肺脓肿
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 应用三腔两囊管治疗食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血,正确的是()
①  患者取侧卧位,三腔两囊管由口插入
②  置管后首先向食管气囊内充气150ml
③  放置三腔两囊管期间应注意避免因误吸引起的吸入性肺炎
④  为避免再次出血,三腔两囊管可以持续放置
⑤  如果仍有出血,向胃气囊内充气200ml
【单选题】 如经三腔两囊管压迫止血24h后未见继续出血,此时对三腔两囊管的处理应是()
①  三腔两囊管继续压迫止血24h
②  气囊放气后留置三腔两囊管观察24h
③  继续压迫至大便潜血转阴后放气拔管
④  放气拔管,继续内科治疗
⑤  三腔两囊管继续压迫止血12h
【单选题】 止血带结扎止血连续使用的时间不应超过()
①  15分钟
②  30分钟
③  45分钟
④  60分钟
⑤  90分钟
【单选题】 指压止血法的前提是()
①  用于临时出血
②  现场急救
③  熟悉浅表动脉走行
④  用于动脉出血
⑤  出血量大
【单选题】 加压包扎止血不宜用于()
①  动脉血管破裂
②  静脉血管破裂
③  骨折所致出血
④  较大伤口出血
⑤  较小伤口出血
【单选题】 绷带包扎关节部位最常用的方法是()
①  环形包扎法
②  蛇形包扎法
③  螺旋形包扎法
④  回返式包扎法
⑤  8字形包扎法