Beth could ____ her coat because it had large red buttons.
【单选题】 1. Would you like the red coat or the blue _____ ?
①  one
②  ones
③  another
④  it
【单选题】 Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
①  Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
②  cheerful
③  sad
④  selfish
【单选题】 Her words, ________ in a hurry, is really hard for me to recognize.
①  written
②  write
③  to write
④  writing
【单选题】 If your new coat is too large, a tailor can____ it to fit you.
①  alter
②  transform
③  vary
④  change
【单选题】 Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a ____ if approached with enthusiasm.
①  prize
②  reward
③  refund
④  bonus
【单选题】 I haven’t seen her for years, but I could still ____ her voice on the phone.
①  recognize
②  realize
③  hear
④  know
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 27.She did her work _________her manager had instructed.
①  as
②  until
③  when
④  though
【判断题】 当按钮的Enable属性设置为False时,该按钮为不可见。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 实现数值、字符串相互转换的函数是?
①  STR()
②  VAL()
③  ABS()
④  LOG()
【多选题】 VisualBasic的编程机制不是?
①  可视化
②  面向对象
③  面向图形
④  事件驱动
【多选题】 设在窗体上有两个命令按钮,其中一个命令按钮的名称为cmda,则另一个命令按钮的名称可能是
①  cmdc
②  cmdb
③  cmdA
④  Command1
【多选题】 VB目前使用广泛的版本是6.0,这个版本又分为几种?
①  标准版
②  专业版
③  企业版
④  网络版
【单选题】 以下变量名中,不符合Visual Basic的命名规范的是?
①  mnu_Open_234
②  Abc901
③  price_
④  K
【单选题】 下列结构中不属于循环结构的是?
①  For/Next
②  While/Wend
③  With/End With
④  Do/Loop
【单选题】 设a=5,b=6,c=7,d=8,则执行下列语句后,x的值为:______。 x= IIF((a>b) And (c<d),10,20)
①  300
②  20
③  30
④  10
【单选题】 MsgBox 函数返回值的类型是?
①  数值或字符串
②  字符串
③  变体
④  整型数值
【单选题】 下列运算结果最大的是?
①  8\7
②  8/7
③  8 mod 7
④  7 mod 8