You’ d rather have a cup of tea than have a cup of coffee, _____?
wouldn’ t you
hadn’ t you
would you
had you
【单选题】 30. -Would you like to have tea or coffee? - ____.
①  Either will do
②  Neither do I
③  It doesn’t matter
④  Yes, please
【单选题】 Would you like [填空] another cup of coffee?
①  to drink
②  drink
③  drank
④  drinking
【单选题】 A: Would you like another cup of tea? B: Ive enough. [填空].
①  I would eat anything
②  Thank you by the way
③  Thank you all the same
④  No, anything will do
【单选题】 Shall?[填空] give?you?a?cup?of?coffee?
①  I
②  you
③  they
④  it
【单选题】 Shall I buy a cup of coffee for you? -[填空].
①  No, you won't.
②  No, you aren't.
③  No, please don't.
④  No, please.
【单选题】 Shall I buy a cup of coffee for you? -[填空].
①  No, you wont.
②  No, you arent.
③  No, please dont.
④  No, please.
【单选题】 A: Id rather have some tea, if you dont mind. B: [填空].
①  Thank you very much
②  Yes, I like so
③  Of course not, anything you want
④  No, its nothing
【单选题】 If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted ____.
①  grow
②  to grow
③  growing
④  to be growing
【单选题】 If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted _____.
①  grow
②  to grow
③  growing
④  to be growing
【单选题】 17. If you _____ to me, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now.
①  listened
②  will listen
③  had listened
④  listen
【判断题】 全面从严治党是中国特色社会主义的本质要求和重要保障。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 弘扬劳模精神和工匠精神,营造劳动光荣的社会风尚和精益求精的敬业风气。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 大数据对规律的挖掘要以片面性作为代价。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 大数据越多,我们的思维就越全面。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 大数据时代的推理和传统意义上的推理不同,因果逻辑关系显得不那么重要了。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 计算机的发展速度本身是一个线性增长,而我们人类智能的发展速度是一个指数增长。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 根据《大数据时代的信息安全》,大数据分析、大数据方法给安全带来了新的机会和新的视角。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 互联网经济新业态发展的趋势特征包括( )。
①  经济形态
②  组织形态
③  商业模式
④  创新主体
【多选题】 我们的数据和信息服务业要实现的目标是( )。
①  产业化
②  便捷化
③  高效化
④  智能化
【多选题】 大数据时代给国家治理、创新发展、生活生产带来深刻变革,因此要推动( )。
①  社会变革
②  创新变革
③  思想变革
④  管理变革
⑤  技术变革