The population of the world ______ still _____ now.
will; grow
have; grown
is ; growing
is ; grown
【单选题】 5. As he is recovering, he has grown more confident and _______ about life.
①  pessimistic
②  positive
③  negative
④  interested
【单选题】 10.--Do you have ________ athome now, Stella? --No, we still have to get several pounds of fruit and some tea.
①  something
②  everything
③  nothing
④  anything
【单选题】 9. The goal is to keep this land alive, to ______ animal population and keep it growing.
①  insist
②  keep
③  preserve
④  kill
【单选题】 China has a large population than [填空] in the world.
①  all the countries
②  every country
③  any country
④  any other country
【单选题】 By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the world’s population ____ in cities rather than in the country.
①  are living
②  will be living
③  have lived
④  will have lived
【单选题】 The hospital is said to have been ________________ in the Second World War.
①  declined
②  destroyed
③  decided
④  demanded
【单选题】 It’s getting late and I have to leave now.____________
①  So soon! I hope youve enjoyed it.
②  Have a cup of tea.
③  Not at all.
④  How about a cup of coffee?
【单选题】 ____ native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.
①  In spite of
②  That it is
③  It was
④  Although
【单选题】 _____native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.
①  In spite of
②  That it is
③  It was
④  Although
【单选题】 A country ________ birth rate is higher than its death rate will have an increasing population.
①  who
②  which
③  whose
④  where
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是构建公共部门人力资源战略的意义?
①  有助于改革和创新公共部门人力资源管理体系
②  有助于提升公共部门人员的整体素质
③  有助于提升公共部门人员的薪酬绩效
④  有助于实施公共部门战略管理
【单选题】 人力资源是以下哪个概念的一部分?
①  人口资源
②  人才资源
③  劳动力资源
④  公共部门人力资源
【单选题】 下列哪一项不属于人力资源管理中的四种关系?
①  人与事的关系
②  人与人的关系
③  事与事的关系
④  组织与人的关系
【单选题】 下列哪一项不属于SWOT分析?
①  优势(Strengths)
②  劣势(Weakness)
③  机遇(Opportunity)
④  技术(Technology)
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是人力资源管理制度的作用?
①  维护国家安全与社会稳定
②  保证公共组织高效廉洁
③  促进人才队伍稳定
④  实现公共人才的社会价值
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是影响公共部门人力资源管理的一般外部环境?
①  经济环境
②  政治制度
③  文化环境
④  社会环境
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是人力资源管理的特点?
①  人本性
②  战略性
③  动态性
④  激励性
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是人力资源管理的层次职能?
①  战略性职能
②  基础性职能
③  常规性职能
④  事务性职能
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是公共部门的基本特征?
①  国家机关各级各类组织是其主体
②  提供公共产品、管理公共事务是其基本职能
③  谋求社会公共利益是其根本目标
④  以公共权力为基础,对各种社会资源的组织动员能力是其运行的重要保障
【单选题】 下列哪一项不属于史戴斯和顿菲针对企业变革程度而提出的人力资源战略?
①  民主式
②  发展式
③  任务式
④  转型式