Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ____ when she was trying to go to sleep.
【单选题】 When I saw Mary , she __________ on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 When I saw Mary , she _______on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 When I saw Mary, she ___ on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 1.When I saw Mary, she on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 Kingsley took a lot of ______________ with her while traveling because she was doing scientific research on fish.
①  furniture
②  equipment
③  information
④  education
【单选题】 Feeling that she was in the right, she took _____at the dirty remark.
①  production
②  offense
③  defense
④  guard
【单选题】 She dares to go alone, _____?
①  does she
②  dares she
③  doesn’ t she
④  daren’ t she
【单选题】 She ________ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【单选题】 She ___ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【判断题】 遵义会议上,毛泽东成为临时中央的一把手,带领中国共产党开展革命斗争。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 1956年1月召开的知识分子问题会议上,毛泽东提出我国已经建成社会主义社会。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 新民主主义革命的动力包括()。
①  A无产阶级
②  B 农民阶级
③  C 城市小资产阶级
④  D 民族资产阶级
【多选题】 对党的思想路线系统的哲学论证是()。
①  A 《反对本本主义》
②  B 《实践论》
③  C 《 矛盾论》
④  D 《中国社会各阶级的分析》
【多选题】 新民主主义的三大法宝是()。
①  A 统一战线
②  B 武装斗争
③  C 党的建设
④  D 实事求是
【多选题】 我国社会主义改造的历史经验主要有()。
①  A 坚持社会主义工业化建设与社会主义改造同时并举
②  B 采取积极引导、逐步过渡的方式
③  C 坚持以阶级斗争为纲
④  D 用和平方法进行改造
【多选题】 党的思想路线是()。
①  A 一切从实际出发
②  B 实事求是
③  C 理论联系实际
④  D 在实践中检验和发展真理
【多选题】 毛泽东思想的历史地位是()。
①  A 马克思主义中国化第一次历史性飞跃理论成果
②  B 中国革命和建设的科学指南
③  C 党和人民的宝贵精神财富
④  D 实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的根本指针
【多选题】 中国新民主主义革命理论的形成的客观条件是()。
①  A 旧民主主义革命的失败
②  B 近代中国革命形势的发展
③  C 世界形势的新变化
④  D 第三世界国家和人民的觉醒
【多选题】 新中国成立初期,毛泽东提出的外交方针是()。
①  A “另起炉灶”
②  B “打扫干净屋子再请客”
③  C “一边倒”
④  D “安邻、富邻、睦邻”